Which Patch librarian should I get


New member
Does anybody have a good advice about buying a patch librarian? I will be buying a synth module soon and want full access to all the patches. I'm not sure what synth I will buy either.

I looked at a MidiQuest patch librarian demo copy, but I couldn't do much with it. I want to be able to get past the GM 128 standard cheesy sounds and get to some good stuff AND be able to customize some tones. Any help or advice is appreciated concerning synth modules and patch librarians. I have a fair amount of money to spend. So money isn't too big of an issue.


I have worked with several, (all on PC), the midiquest, soundiver and one by motu (but I can't remember the name). I stuck with the midiquest and it is the only one I upgraded and keep using. I am not sure what you want to do with your sounds that midiquest won't do, but it edits all of the parameters in your synth, so what is it can't do? There is also a difference between a librarian and an editor. A librarian stores and moves patches (Performances, etc), but an editor allows you to change the patches (and are subsequently more complex and more expensive). My comments referred to editor/librarians, programs that do both.