Which one of these compressors!


New member
okay guys, basicaly, I'm going to be doing some drum sessions in a couple of weeks, and I've been offered a choice of these three compressors. I'm probably gonna be running them lightly on my over heads and kick and snare (if I use on of the ones with 4 channels) so if anyone has experience with any of these it would be greatly appreciated

Bss 402
Drawmer Quad auto
or Bss opal

Thanks guys
Why do you want to compress drums during recording?

Is the drummer really inconsistent with it's velocity so you have to even out their dynamics? If not, I would highly recommend you stay away from any form of compression when it comes to drums.

FWIW... over the past 25 or so years it has become apparent to me that I have way too much other stuff to think about when I'm tracking drums to really focus on the setup of the compressors... which invariably leads to me having compressors that aren't really optimal in their setup.

I pretty much always leave any kind of dynamic alterations, from compressors to gates to fader rides until mix time... and with compression, more often than not I will build a "parallel compression buss" rather than compressing the actual tracks.

Best of luck.
the only thing... is that when I'm mixing the only compressors I'll have will be the waves diamon bundle ones... and the ones that come standard in cubase (and a few free vst ones)

I was discussing it with a local engineer, and he said I should use the drawmer quad auto, but set the settings extremely light, then do more compression during mixing if it's needed. I thought this was a little Odd but he rekoned the transformered input would warm the sound up quite abit.

Does this sound right to you guys?
I would stick to what Flecher says. I myself do not use compression during drums tracking for the same reason. Too many other things to worry about.....like mic positioning for one(a big one).