Which of my mics would you use for...


New member
I have a very small mic collection right now...

MXL992 (LDC)
a very nice stereo matched pair of Peluso CEMC6 SDC's
If it matters, I will be using a Firepod (and it's preamps) on a very nice new PC.

I need to record flute and saxophone...

The tracks are gonna sit on top of acoustic guitar based stuff.

The flute needs to be very clean as it is gonna be weaving in and out of a sweet ballad, including a solo spot.

The sax is gonna be on more of an upbeat rawkin kinda thing (still acoustically based), but still should be fairly clean and sound like a sax. I honestly, for the life of me, can't remember whether the guy has a tenor or alto sax right now. I'm not sure the answer to that would make a difference given my limited selection.

The room I am recording in, though in my home, seems to have a very nice warm sound that I have been happy with both playing and recording.

I'm curious, for you more experienced folks, with the limited mic selection I have, how would you do the job?? Eventually I'll get more mics, but that's not an option for these few tracks I need to get down.
thewanderer24 said:
I have a very small mic collection right now...

MXL992 (LDC)
a very nice stereo matched pair of Peluso CEMC6 SDC's
If it matters, I will be using a Firepod (and it's preamps) on a very nice new PC.

I need to record flute and saxophone...

The tracks are gonna sit on top of acoustic guitar based stuff.

The flute needs to be very clean as it is gonna be weaving in and out of a sweet ballad, including a solo spot.

The sax is gonna be on more of an upbeat rawkin kinda thing (still acoustically based), but still should be fairly clean and sound like a sax. I honestly, for the life of me, can't remember whether the guy has a tenor or alto sax right now. I'm not sure the answer to that would make a difference given my limited selection.

The room I am recording in, though in my home, seems to have a very nice warm sound that I have been happy with both playing and recording.

I'm curious, for you more experienced folks, with the limited mic selection I have, how would you do the job?? Eventually I'll get more mics, but that's not an option for these few tracks I need to get down.

send them to me and I will figure it out for you.

here is a great idea.......try them all. You are not wasting money by using your own time. Try them all out and see what sounds the best. That will work a lot better than asking us. Because I for one, am a retard. Just ask Ford Van. :D
Innovations said:
Are you tracking them all at the same time?

No, actually, the basic tracks of the songs are laid out.

There will just be a few takes of flute for the one song and a few takes of sax for the other song.

I don't expect a perfect answer. Obviously, I'll need to experiment, but I'm looking for some starting points.

My inclination in both cases is to play with the pair of SDC's until I can find a worthy location, and then later "mix the two signals 'til sweet."

Does this seem reasonable?

Would I be more likely to find success with the LDC on either? The SM57 on the sax?