Which mic works best with modeling?

Keith L

New member
There's lots of microphone modeling software out there, and a lot of the new portastudios have mic sims onboard. Which microphone works best with these devices? I have an SM57- do I need something better?
Since modelling software can only work with the signal that is put through it and cant tell what the frequency response of the mic that you used is, I would guess that it would work best with the most accurate and neutral microphone possible. This would be a small diaphragm condenser like the Shure SM 81.

I havent tried this so I'm guessing, but logic tells me it is probably true.

I could be wrong.
Thanks, Vox- Funny, I thought people would be all over this one. I think I'll re-post it in the Microphone Forum. Thanks Again- your comments make sense... K.
Antares mic modeler... you input the brand and type of mic, including all settings, and then choose the mic you want it to "sound like". Dont expect an sm57 to sound like a Neumann, 1st off, the bandwidth isnt the same. Use a wide flat mic that doesnt cut or hype too much, like a cheap Cad e-100, which is in the list, and then try to get the modeling going to a telefunkin or a Neumann u87. There is a good desciption of how it works on the web page. Works pretty well, sweetens alot of mics, but doesnt make garbage turn to gold...