Which mic vs mic technique....

Han has a point... there are no shortcuts. I've been using Josephson C-42's on piano lately... at one time I used to use my U-47 [w/VF-14] and an original C-12... I found the Josephsons do a better job of it.

I can still spend an hour or more on finding the proper placement... and I've pulled more than one session out of a farily expensive studio because I felt the room acoustics were getting in the way of my being able to capture a good sounding recording... but these decisions have all come from experience.

You have to trip over your dick a few thousand times before you really get a handle on what will work in a given situation and what will get in your way down the road... if I ever happen to get to that point I'll let you know [though after a couple of decades I've found that my ratio of 'right guesses' to 'wrong guesses' is way up... I still fuck up at least 35-40% of the time].

Best of luck with all you do!!
Before you even get to which mic and mic technique you have to start with a good source. You can't expect to get the same results as a professional studio using $100 gutiars and 30 year old drums with 5 year old heads. You have to start with quality insterments. Then there is the room, preamps, recording media, mixing, effects/processing ...

Mic technique is important but you still have to have the right mic for the job. The mic has to meet certian specs like somewhat flat in freq respons, low impeadance, etc... Then it comes down to placement, but all the placement in the world isn't going to help a $5 computer mic or a $20 radio shack mic.
....there's something 'odd' about seeing fletcher on here with 'newbie' under his moniker....and yaddayaddayadda...yeah you really do need fine microphones when recording the 9' bossendorffer or occasional prewar steinway...i dont think that 57's are gonna cut it for that, but you do need to know where your 'best guess' starting point is gonna be in that situation or others of that ilk before you start setting the mics. My point being, you must study grasshopper.......

its nice seeing ya here everynow and then mr.fletcher...and so calm and nice too.......its a trick right??
Yeah, seeing Fletcher with "newbie" attached is like going to a DOJO and seeing Mike Tyson starting out with a white belt!

chessparov said:
Yeah, seeing Fletcher with "newbie" attached is like going to a DOJO and seeing Mike Tyson starting out with a white belt!


You said a mouthful brother!!!!!!
Alot of great points in this thread,
when we started recording our album
i made a booth for the vocals, did some tracks in there and thought it was good,
for the second song we were doing a scratch track out in the open room 6 ft.
from the board with a v67 and both of
us noticed how much better it sounded
verses the the booth, guess where all the final takes get done now :)

as for Brad Delps mic it has always been
a E.V. RE-20 , by Toms choice, this info
comes from his ex who post on the boston message board all the time, the new album was recorded all analog and dumped to pro tools.
