Which M-Audio Card?


New member
I have been searching through the archives and 3 names keep coming up for a good soundcard under $200.

Audiophile 2496
Delta 44
Mobile Pre USB

I will be running Sonar on Sony Vaio Pentium 4 - 1.5 GHz - 60 GB HD - 256 MB RAM - DVD-ROM, CD-RW with firewire (aka i-link) capabilities. Sometimes going direct in through the soundcard, and sometimes (when recording my band) using a digital 8 track standalone as a mixer. I would appreciate any info or experienced users with comments on this set up and what would work best. Thanks.
What features do you need? If you need MIDI and SPDIF, you'll have to get the Audiophile. If you only need audio inputs, the 44 would be a better choice.

USB audio interfaces suck for the most part. I have yet to successfully record 2 tracks of audio with one without having some kind of issue. A PCI card will give you more bang for the buck and less headaches.
brzilian said:
USB audio interfaces suck for the most part. I have yet to successfully record 2 tracks of audio with one without having some kind of issue. A PCI card will give you more bang for the buck and less headaches.
I always knew this was true but now I also know from my own experience.
I bought a used M-audio Transit a short while ago and the cracks and pops are unpredictable, even with a minimum of software running and a stripped down hardware profile.
And that's on my desktop. On my laptop it plainly sucks buckets and that's what I bought it for, mobile recordings...
On my desktop, it's capable of working for a whole take but I'm not going to take the chance of ruining a perfectly good take by using it for future recordings. It's going up for sale soon.
The fact that the 44 has 4 inputs is appealing but it seems like analog would only detract from the sound (although that might be a good thing with the other Peavey mixer from the 70's that we sometimes use). I am also considering shelling out the extra 50 or so bucks to go to the Firewire audio interface.
quagmire77 said:
The fact that the 44 has 4 inputs is appealing but it seems like analog would only detract from the sound (although that might be a good thing with the other Peavey mixer from the 70's that we sometimes use). I am also considering shelling out the extra 50 or so bucks to go to the Firewire audio interface.


Huh? I don't think you fully understand what you're saying.
Rock band going for a fairly clean sound.

I am not sure which part you don't understand...

If it is part about analog vs. PDIF & MIDI, I am saying (or asking) if the 44 would produce a less clean sound

44=4x4 analog I/O

Audiophile=S/PDIF digital I/O and 1X1 MIDI I/O
it shoudlnt be any less clean by its fault. you can get a clean signal with analog...however human errors will dirty it up...same with midi and spdif....its all in how you use it.
I guess it is all in what you're trying to do, that is the case with 99% of the questions here. I have the 2496 and I am happy with it, because it suits my setup and what I'm trying to do. Now, once I can put it all together I'll get back to you on that one!

quagmire77 said:
The fact that the 44 has 4 inputs is appealing but it seems like analog would only detract from the sound

Remember the 44 has balanced as well as unbalanced inputs.

If you're in a rock band you'll be wanting to mic your amps? If so the 44 will do a good job
quagmire77 said:
Rock band going for a fairly clean sound.

I am not sure which part you don't understand...

If it is part about analog vs. PDIF & MIDI, I am saying (or asking) if the 44 would produce a less clean sound

44=4x4 analog I/O

Audiophile=S/PDIF digital I/O and 1X1 MIDI I/O

So what? You're recording analog sources.