Which is a bigger piece of junk?


Slow Children Playing
I am cleaning out my "office" and unearthed an Alesis DM5 and a Yamaha TMX. I have recorded a little with the DM5 and I kind of like the big, fake bass drum sounds. I have never plugged in the Yamaha. If I try it out, my wife, who's upstairs will know I am no longer cleaning. Should I just take this thing out to the shed or is the TMX worth playing around with after I hear her ass hit the couch later?

I have an old yamaha RX11 drum machine that I think sounds pretty terrible. If the tmx has the same sounds, this thing is shed bound. I know that RX11 is from like 1988. Does anyone know how old this TMX might be?
man if I come round to your shed can I keep some of the things you dont use anymore? :)
I decided to stick on the shelf and the next time I feel like listing to 250 drum sounds, I'll plug it in. I was hoping that it had a bunch of percussion sounds like shakers and cowbells and stuff like the old RX 5.
I did plug it in last night. It seems to have the same sounds that I remember from the RX5. I couldn't find the "Hey!" and "Uhhh!" sounds, but I'm sure they're in there somewhere. It also may have the capability of putting a pad or pads on a different midi channel, which would be kind of cool.