Which interface, Lexicon FW810S-Mackie Onyx Blackbird or Focusrite Pro 40


New member
I need to upgrade my interface, more inputs with pre amps. The guy at my local music store recommended the Mackie Blackbird for $868 Australian dollars, (a $150+ discount) I'm leaning towards the Lexicon or Focusrite. I'm new to recording and using computers and I don't know enough to make an informed decision. These three units seem to have the features I need at a price I can afford. Does anyone out there own any of these units, and what do you think of them in terms of sound quality and reliability? My current setup is imac 10.6.8 - 8gig ram - 3.06GHz intel core 2 duo - KRK 6s - Focusriie Saffire LE interface (2 preamps) - Logic Studio - Reason 6 - Reaktor 5. I mainly want to record and mix some of my friends that play, also a few gospel choirs, make a few demos etc. If someone has a better unit to recommend it would be great. I can save enough ordering from the states to buy a decent mic. Several mics will be my next purchase after the interface, and I'll need your input concerning those as well. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I don't have any experience with the other interfaces, but I love my Pro 40.
I bought a pro 40 today, I think I'll be happy with the focusrite, I hope it doesn't take too long to learn how to use it properly. From some of the reviews I've read it can be a bit complicated. Thanks guitarplayr, for your interest, I'll get a good nights sleep before I connect it up.