Which drum sequencer can do these things?


New member
I also posted this in the Drum's Forum, but I figured that more people might see it if I posted it here too.

Hi, I'm fairly new to home recording, and I've been recording a few things but the main thing I'm having trouble with is drums.

I'm currently using Fruity Loops and I got some decent samples, but my drum beats just sound too..."straight." I can't really use any odd time signatures and I can't change tempos in the middle of a song.

So...my question is which drum sequencer can do all of these things..

1. Export to Wav

2. Have different tempos within one song.

3. Have different time signatures within one song.
(Being able to change time signatures on each drum/cymbal individually would be a bonus as well)

4. Use outside samples.

Fruity Loops has can do 1 and 4 covered...but I feel somewhat frustrated whenever I want to change tempo and have to create a different file, export it into a wav, and paste the files together.

And as far as I know, I still haven't been able to figure out how to change time signatures in Fruity Loops. I'm getting sick of the standard 1, 2, 3, 4 crap and I can't find a decent metal drummer out here.


N/P: Opeth/Damnation/Windowpane
your savior is here.......heheheh

well i'm a drummer (metal if you will) and i find that fruity loops is probably the best thing out there and well it does 3 also.

if you can find or if it's already in the program you can modiofy each cymbal,tom,snare,ecc no problem,as for the modifing the tempo to like 3/4's instead of 4/4's i don't know if it can be done,if it does i'll more than likely let you know but i can modify it within the 4/4 bar (ie:like have the snare play in 3/4's while have the bassdrum stay in 4/4 ecc and have the hi hat play in 2/4's) as for the rest i have no problems really