where to get n track?

i have heard that if you need a card copy of the software (as opposed to downloading it), you can email the developer and he will send you a copy.
Lack of hard packaging and distribution to shops keeps budget software cheap.

I'm sure if CubaseSE was download-only, it'd be about the same price as N.... maybe a little cheaper.
I doubt that. Most of the price of software is in developing it and then supporting it. The actual physical delivery of the software contributes very little to the final cost. CubaseSE is developed/supported by a entire team/company of programmers, whom need to get paid. Hence the high price of the software. N-Track is a one man show (Flavio) so he only needs to support himself, and I'm not even sure that this is his full time job so if he has a "day job" he can keep his "hobby" software REALLY cheap.

TimOBrien said:
Lack of hard packaging and distribution to shops keeps budget software cheap.

I'm sure if CubaseSE was download-only, it'd be about the same price as N.... maybe a little cheaper.
gordone said:
CubaseSE is developed/supported by a entire team/company of programmers, whom need to get paid. Hence the high price of the software. N-Track is a one man show (Flavio) so he only needs to support himself, and I'm not even sure that this is his full time job so if he has a "day job" he can keep his "hobby" software REALLY cheap.
Kinda a testament to his programming ability, just imagine if he had an entire team of programmers. :cool:

I see there is a new patch for 4.0... anyone found this to resolve "issues"?