where to get cheap drum set

deal down the drain

i gave up on the busted kit at the pawn shop, because the owner got cocky with me about the price only because of this dumb kid in my music class gave him all the bargaining leverage. i took the kid to go and check out the piece and see if it was worth upgrading since his a drummer and all , i wanted him to check out the hardware and things to look out, for i mean i'm trying to buy this thing defective item from a pawn shop. the owner is like 115 and i'm like last time you said $100. so he says ok i give it to you for a 100, so i start giving him the "i don't know" look saying things like you know i gotta replace all the heads and listing all the missing things and Dumbo from left fied is like 100 is a good price. and that's after i told him not to say anything about the price cuz when we first walked in he was telling me in front of them how cheap it was to replace the heads and and getting a pedal, so i took him aside and told him to bring it up becuase i did a search online but i don't need them to know that i know.

well since they knew he was my connoiseur the owner just pointed to him and said "he knows 100 is a good price, and you can talk to me until you turn blue i can't go below that" or something like that...so i grabbed Dumbass and we bounced.
i kept explaining to him that 100 was a good price, but i had to name a price for the bargaining to start which was going to put me at best at $90
but he still didn't get it. talking about that was a good price even when i told him i could get a starter kit for 219 online

what do y'all think of this

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I don't know CT, but here we have a really good drum store. What is your budget? If something isn't good enough but under your budget, you might as well go higher for something better anyway. You could end up too high if you have to fix the cheap stuff and add things.
and I really can't tell from that web site, much of anything about that kit. There's just not enough information. Find another drummer locally who might know others who are selling used stuff, try local schools, colleges, bands, anyone who knows anyone and you might do better that way, locally. This guy in the pawn shop isn't gonna help you at all with it later, so just do some more ground work. If you have a bad vibe, then don't go for it. Also, don't buy just b/c something is a low price.

If you want to start off w/ high quality, you can if you can sacrifice some toms. There are plenty of awesome drummers with 2 toms. You could decide that - if you are a begginer, like I was - At first, I was going to get a decent quality bass drum, snare and HH. That's all I figured I'd start with to learn. If you wanted to piece it together and learn as you buy, you could start out w/ higher quality and get one or 2 parts at a time at a drum or music store, establish a relationship with them there, they would know that you are buying over a period of time, etc.

If you can save money up over time, you could end up spending more by getting it piece by piece, but at least you would spread out paying for it and know that you are getting quality, maybe even new stuff here and there like a cymbal stand, throne, pedal, or a cymbal.

How long have you been shopping around? Drummers are really helpful to eachother, don't hesitate finding more of them and asking about the best way to assemble a kit in your area.

If that trip didn't go well for you, don't sweat it, you'll get what you need in time, and be happier with your stuff and how you got it.
junplugged said:

YO WTF.... the shop had that same pulse snare drum for 100 bucks used and scratch up , so i was trying to get him to use that to replace the one that came with the kit since it was missing the adjustement piece. and duke was acting like i was insulting him.
i know he's trying to make money but to me it's a pawn shop and to me that means 150% markup is the game

oh well