Where to buy SP B1

Jim R

New member
Hi all,

Any one know of stores in So. Cal. (Orange County area) that carries SP mics . Thanks ,

I just bought a bunch of stuff, including a B1 and 2 MXL 603s from 8th street - prices the same as everywhere else - $79 for the B1 and $150 for the pair of 603s (with the cables included).

It was my first time ordering from them, and everything arrived safe and sound.


These are my first studio mics. I lurked on this forum for a couple of weeks before deciding which mics to start with. This place is a great resource!
Dammit Spock , I'm a guitar player not a mailman.( again in Bones' voice).

Well I think I found the last one in So Cal . It's on hold till Mon. .
I just don't like mail order if I can avoid it . But thanks to all for the help .
