Where should I place a JoeMeek VC3Q in my signal chain?


New member
Hi all,

I've had a few rushes of blood to the head over the last year, with the result that I ended up purchasing a bunch of new Effect Pedals and a Boss RC-50 Phrase looper. Previous to this I simply recorded my electric or Acoustic guitars through my VC3Q (either with a mic or DI'ed). I then used an Amp Modeller in Cubase on my PC to get the sound I needed.

But right now I have, from Guitar to PC:

Boss Blues Driver ->
Boss EQ Pedal ->
Boss DD7 Delay ->
Marshall Reflector (Reverb) ->
Boss RE-20 Space Echo ->
JoeMeek VC3Q ->
Boss RC-50 Phrase Looper ->
EMU 1616M - Cubase.

I'm having some trouble getting a clean signal. I think the JoeMeek is compressing the reverb tail from the Marchall Reverb & the Space Echo, which sometimes doesn't sound good to these ears. Should I place the JoeMeek at the start of the chain (before the Blues Driver)? Or should I place it between the EQ and the Delay/Reverb units?

Opinions welcome.