Where shall record vocals


New member
Hi recording some vocal tracks this afternoon, I normally record in my bedroom a loft conversion with pitched roof and wooden floor, usually try to hang drapes around etc, Going to try either Bathroom about 7ft x 7ft quite a large window half tiled cork floor, or small bedroom 6 x 8 double glazed rear window carpet flat roof some soft furnisings - I usually apply effects after recording.
as a rule, i try to avoid cube-shaped rooms (or rooms with equal dimensions at all). but that's not always feasible.

mostly i record everything in the basement. i just "live" with the sound down there. it's big enough (and i sing quietly enough) that with vocals i generally don't have to worry about getting too much of the room.

i've got a bathroom upstairs (the master bathroom) which has a really nice natural reverb to it thanks to its weird shape and vaulted ceilings--i've been dying to try recording vocals and acoustic guitar up there, but i'd need to either schlep all the gear up there, or else get a couple 100+ foot mic cables and run up 2 flights of stairs. ;-P

by any means necessary....

I'd go with the biggest of the three rooms and set the mic up in the middle of the room in order to lower the effect the early reflections will have on the sound. The bathroom for example will most probably have pretty loud and fast EFs, which will give your recording a boxy sound.

And please, don't crosspost.

I'd avoid the bathroom unless you're after a specific effect - I've tried it & the results sit very awkwardly in a mix. Boxy is the word.
I think recording vocals where you feel comfortable is the key to a good take - I've spent hours in the past tied up with cables in improvised "booths". trying for that ultra dead sound. I got it, but at the expense of the performance - which sounded irritable and unconvincing :)