Where is the best place to buy active monitors from if you live in Europe?


New member
I need some monitors to use with my Yamaha AW16G 16 track. The unit itself was just under 1000 €uros, so I am thinking less than 400 €uros on monitors would be more than adequate. I want to get the best ones I can for my money though, so I've been searching all the French sites and some of the German ones for Wharfedales, Behringer Truths and Tannoys. It looks like the Active Tannoys are way over my budget from what I've seen, but at Thomann.de, the Behringer Truths (333 €) seemed reasonably priced. I hear good things about the Wharfedale, but I can't find them. Can anyone recommend other european websites? VAT and shipping from the states would probably be too much to make that an option. Any advice would surely be appreciated... I will be mixing in a medium sized bedroom.
:D Yo 28:

If you can find any German monitors, I'd give those a listen. Beyer makes great cans and other items, mics, etc.

As a matter of fact, you might search your local net and see what you can find.

I use the KRK ST8 passives--for the $$ they do a good job and have an 8 inch woofer--many other monitors in that price range only offer 6.5 inch woofers.

Good luck.

Green Hornet ;) :cool: :D
Thanks for the two responses....... Does anyone have some links to european websites tht sell the Wharfedales? I am also interested to see if anyone else has ordered anything through MUSICIANS GEAR in Germany. I ordered a stereo set of the MArshall 603s four weeks ago from them and still haven't received them. the estimated time of delivery was two weeks! I sent an email to them a few days ago asking if I could get an estimated time of arrival or tracking number, but haven't received a response. I have oredered through Thomann and received my order in less than a week, so this has me wondering..... maybe I'm paranoid, but they should at least let me know if it's going to take a little longer for delivery....