Where does the GAIN go?


It is a life preserver
So I was comparing recording to the DAW vs. To a cel phone.

I can get a boat load more gain from the Apollo's headphone out if I try. Still it should be very close at these settings. Its not.

The DAW seems thinner. The Mains are dimed to the top.

I used the cel headphone ext mic input .

Same amp setting. Didn't move the mic. No FX added post mic. No EQ.

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Where does the Gain go?

Headphone Apollo output led is middle one -9db
DAW render meter is at -9 db
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I am not sure what you are asking. The 'level' between each is not a 'gain issue'. It is output level being at different levels from different platforms.

If you are asking about actual 'gain' in recording levels or the amp, then you are comparing apples with oranges. The two have nothing to do with each other and likely why you are asking.

You do realize that a headphone out is not the optimum source from your rig right? And that there is a reason for a power amp from your ADA and that it never sounds as good as a mic from it to a speaker cabinet right?

These are also opinions of mine that I have some experience with. Not judging you. You gotta find what works for you.

I wish you would spend more time listening to people that give you opinion and insight, than you do arguing a premise that you are learning about. You could be a cool dood to work with. It seems you just want to argue tho. Typical guitar player... LOL!
I wish you would spend more time listening to people that give you opinion and insight, than you do arguing a premise that you are learning about. You could be a cool dood to work with. It seems you just want to argue tho. Typical guitar player... LOL!

The latency was weird, an it dropped out twice yesterday, , so I started a ticket. UA is helping with tech support. I ent a couple examples of the problem , and they gave me a bunch of diagnostics to run.

There is a bottleneck at the VIA USB 3.1 port.

Screenshot 2021-01-05 085641.jpg
Hahaha my computer skills are so poor. I did everything they said. Reinstalled Win10 and the drivers. NOW ITS IN RED.

Its kind of funny..

The laptop has been sent for service. I couldn't figure it out.

Screenshot 2021-01-06 143036.jpg
Check that list again and see what else is throttling the system. I had an enormous problem with latency throttling my recordings (I may not be using the correct terminology here) whilst using Samplitude ProX 2 when I bought a new PC early last year. There were several issues, the main one being the network card. Don't be surprised if the service you're getting for the computer does not solve the problem. My problems were solved by a very helpful poster at the Magix forum.
Hahaha my computer skills are so poor. I did everything they said. Reinstalled Win10 and the drivers. NOW ITS IN RED.

Its kind of funny..

The laptop has been sent for service. I couldn't figure it out.

View attachment 107779

From past experience I had things like Windows Defender or other antivirus programs that cause such results from Latencymon. It could be any bloatware software screwing with the ability for your cumputer to run smooth.

It has been a long time since it was an issue for me. There was a site that addressed these things. I can't for the life of me remember what it was or if it even exists still. It was something like 'black dragon' or some shit.

I do remember once it was a stupid controller driver that allowed me to select between video monitors that did it. KVM switch I believe? But that was before computers could do that by themselves..

Best of luck to you. It likely something simple...
You disable Windows Defender ? or Antivirus when you record on the computer?

I dont think I disabled Defender. Hmmm.