Where do we go from here?


well that's just like you
I know this has been covered before but I'd like to revisit it and get feedback from you.

First, a few questions:

1. Where does the inspiration (or, purpose) to create and share music come from for you?

2. What do you do to cultivate inspiration and motivation when it goes missing?

3. Do any of you feel defeated by the current state of the music industry, the commercialization of music or the over-saturation of music online (i.e. free downloads, millions of myspace-type web sites, etc.)?

Here's what's running through my mind lately...

For me, there is simply too much music out here to feel like anything I might create or contribute is necessary or worthwhile. In other words, we definitley have enough music and musicians by now (or, do we?)!

Creating music has become an entirely selfish endeavor at this point although, I still hope that something I create can and will connect with others so, against all odds, I put it out there anyway.

I'm feeling like a grain of sand on a giant beach. It's not that music is or ever was a competition. It's just that I feel like I (and WE) are trying to get heard over a chorus of 100 million voices.

Innovation, originality, and the so-called "break through artists" (see Jeff Buckley, Bjork) are being overshadowed in the mainstream by formulaic music that is guaranteed to sell well and create artists as brands (see Hannah Montana, Britney Spears).

Now, I'm not suggesting we reminisce about the good ole days. Nor do I think we should want to bring them back or relive them. I'm just reflecting (at the end of 2009 and this decade) on where music and musicians are finding themselves now. I admit, I'm feeling a bit depressed so don't mind me. I'd like to hear some of YOUR thoughts on all of this and more importantly, what keeps you going in spite of our circumstances. And, if you think I'm mis-perceiving what's going on, by all means set me straight!

Happy New Year :)

I know this has been covered before but I'd like to revisit it and get feedback from you.

First, a few questions:

1. Where does the inspiration (or, purpose) to create and share music come from for you?

2. What do you do to cultivate inspiration and motivation when it goes missing?

3. Do any of you feel defeated by the current state of the music industry, the commercialization of music or the over-saturation of music online (i.e. free downloads, millions of myspace-type web sites, etc.)?

Here's what's running through my mind lately...

For me, there is simply too much music out here to feel like anything I might create or contribute is necessary or worthwhile. In other words, we definitley have enough music and musicians by now (or, do we?)!

Creating music has become an entirely selfish endeavor at this point although, I still hope that something I create can and will connect with others so, against all odds, I put it out there anyway.

I'm feeling like a grain of sand on a giant beach. It's not that music is or ever was a competition. It's just that I feel like I (and WE) are trying to get heard over a chorus of 100 million voices.

Innovation, originality, and the so-called "break through artists" (see Jeff Buckley, Bjork) are being overshadowed in the mainstream by formulaic music that is guaranteed to sell well and create artists as brands (see Hannah Montana, Britney Spears).

Now, I'm not suggesting we reminisce about the good ole days. Nor do I think we should want to bring them back or relive them. I'm just reflecting (at the end of 2009 and this decade) on where music and musicians are finding themselves now. I admit, I'm feeling a bit depressed so don't mind me. I'd like to hear some of YOUR thoughts on all of this and more importantly, what keeps you going in spite of our circumstances. And, if you think I'm mis-perceiving what's going on, by all means set me straight!

Happy New Year :)


I understand what you are feeling. I feel like I still have to produce something that is worthwhile. I have been recording for 15 years but I feel like it was all just to get me ready for right now. I feel like my studio and I are finally ready.
here's my answers:

1. who the fuck knows - why do flowers grow is the same question, I guess the answer could be "from life" but my real answer is who the fuck knows.

2. hasn't happened yet, since forever I've had 10 days worth of ideas for every 1 day. It would take me several lifetimes to do it all! I feel lucky because this doesn't seem to be normal.

3. yes, I try to find reality and the best take I can find on it comes from Ray Kurzweil, the guy who made the keyboards, from his books and what he says is going to happen in the next few decades. He seems to have a better grip on it than anyone else I've found. The media makes money off of shock stories and should be viewed as entertainment only.

I can't tell you how many times I've reflected back on what I heard Larry King say once, something like "I don't know anyone who is the top of their field who isn't doing it primarily for themselves".

So yes, I feel what you're feeling, exactly actually, and the only solution I have is to keep going and my nephew had a great attitude: "It will work out, it always has before".

I expect dramatic changes in the next few years like we've never seen before, and I have the utmost hope in people, because, by and large, people are good.
For me, there is simply too much music out here to feel like anything I might create or contribute is necessary or worthwhile.

It probably isn't. This is where dumbassed nobody musicians go wrong. They think they have to contribute something. The result is them churning out shit, or just not doing anything. Either is fine with me because I simply won't listen. But to think that you would or could change anything for the better is stupid and naive. Get real. You either have it, whatever "it" is, or you don't. You're gonna be in for a long time of disappointment if you really think anything you do musically is worth a shit. It's not. It never will be. Just enjoy doing it for yourself and enjoy the process. If someone else likes it, great. If not, fuck em. Lose the delusions of grandeur and just rock out with your cock out.
In ten years everybody will be shaking their iPhone v7.9 at raves. Musicians will no longer exist. There won't even be any DJs! :eek: