Where do I start?


New member
Ok, here's my situation!
I have written a dozen or so songs, and I really want to record an album, on my own. So I bought an iMac, got Logic Pro, and a Firewire Audio interface, along with a brand new Taylor Acoustic. So you could say I've spent a fair amount. Now I want to start recording...but where do I start? I only have the guitar and vocal parts to all my songs. Should I lay down the guitar and vocals first then put layers on top of it? I've heard of bands putting the drums down first, and then everything else. But not only do I not have a drum kit, I don't have a drum part! So I can't do that...how would I record the drums - would MIDI on my Midi Keyboard suffice? I can't really get a drummer in to do things, and I have no musician friends...and haven't got the time to make new aquaintances. So can somebody give me some guidance?
There are always drum loops. Betamonkeymusic.com has some cds available. Mix and match your own drum parts, it's a pain at first, but once you get use to it, it's pretty easy. I did the whole drum loop thing for a little bit and finally broke down and got an electronic kit. Much better now.

As for the tracking of guitar and vocals. However you feel most comfortable, and whatever works out best for you, go with it. Trial & Error is a phrase you should become familiar with.
So you think doing guitar and vocals first. I'll experiment...see what happens.

If I want to make my own drum loops, do I do it drum by drum?
Depends on the method you use, from what I posted above, they are like 2 and 3 second clips of a full acoustic kit, playing at different bpm, etc. Generally just hi-hat, bass and snare, and you can fill in with single cymbal clips and fills, etc.

As for recording, I generally do the main body of the song with guitar, then bass, then drums, then go back and start adding guitars again. Anyway you'd want to do it would work. Just gotta find what works best for you.
panoramical said:
So you think doing guitar and vocals first. I'll experiment...see what happens.

If I want to make my own drum loops, do I do it drum by drum?
how will you keep your timing? you will want to sync your timing with your software otherwise drum loops are useless. I would say use the metronome from your software or find a free drum loop to practice with. And play along with it. I would do that first until your ready to shell out more for a drum set or make new friends.
If your songs are written with only guitar, then why not record an acoustic album. I've heard people ruin their (beautiful, acoustic) songs by adding a whole band.

Just try with guitar and some bass, and maybe some pads...
Interesting thought there. I think I'll start with the Acoustic Album and then do a second one and see if it develops. What I really need is a band anyway!
yeah, well im recording an acoustic disc soon... so that should be good.
I might add drums on a few tracks, but I'm not sure yet... Just play around with everything. By the way, just you and your guitar picks up chicks... haha peace,