Where do I go from here?


New member
Alright. My band has been thinking of doing some simple recording for a lil' while now, and i finally gave in to give it a try. A while ago, i had a really old fostex 280 sitting here on my desk next to my computer. I used some 1/8" headphone extention cables and 1/4" adapters and such to connect the "phones out" of the 280 to the "line in" of my PC. Using Audacity, i was able to get some pretty okay recordings. However, 4 tracks weren't enough.

So today i went down to guitar center and bought a behringer UB2222FX-Pro mixer and a Shure SM57. I then went to radio shack and bought a Y-adapter cable, from 2RCA (red white) to 1/8" male. I plugged the RCA into the "tape out" thing of my mixer, and the 1/8" male into the line in of my PC. Plugged in the mic, turned it up a bit while talking into it, opened audacity and hit "record"... seemed to work okayish, nothing great. but i'm curious where to go from now? like... effects, plugging in guitars, etc. i can mic my drums just fine, and we have mics for the singers, but i dunno about how to get the guitars in.

also, if anyone has experience with Audacity, how do i get it to mix to stereo? all i can get is 1 "mono" track. i'm kinda lost with this...

alright i have my PC wired up really weird in conjuction with my stereo. i have another 2RCA - 1/8" cable running from the "speaker" jack of my PC over to my Sony stereo amp, in the "video in" slot. i'm now getting a really strange buzzing out of some of the lower-mid frequencies (like, a mid-tom, or, more noticably, MY VOICE...). i know one of my speakers is blown, but i've never had this problem before.
my pc does this really weird transparent thing, where the line coming from the mixer goes into the pc (and can be recorded, kinda, only slightly buzzy) but also goes straight out to my stereo. Now when i'm just, say, talking into the mic (while i've got "record" pressed in audacity) the stuff coming out of my stereo sounds just fine. however, when i hit "play," i get the overdriven sound otta those bottom-mid freqs.
also, i was listening to the little drum blurb on that site ^ and when he hits the mid tom, it does this.
i think there's something up with my PC? but i dunno what. any ideas?
You were in the habit of using the headphones out jack on the Fostex to your soundcard; could be bad for the circuitry. Use only "Line Out" jacks. That could have damaged the card and you're getting distortion now.

If you get the overdriven signal fixed, get ProTools Free version for multi-tracking up to 8 tracks. It great and free from Digidesign.com
this is soooo cool! alright well the way i have the mixer-to-pc thing right now is in stereo... rca's of the "tape out" of the mixer to the "line in" on the soundcard... works just fine. last night i was just messing around with recording, i was really wishing audacity would record in stereo! because, it's stereo out, etc. etc. well anyway, this morning i figured it out!

File > Preferences > Audio I/O tab > Recording > Channels

you can set it up to like 18 channels? well anyway, i put it as 2 stereo channels. and it RECORDS IN STEREO! hahaha, this is hott stuff.
don't mean to double post and all that jazz, but here's a recording of a song pre-stereo-style recording.
(about a minute long)

i did two takes, both were done in mono. 1st take was the chord part, 2nd take was the "solo" kenny had asked me to work on. when i mixed the two to stereo, the chords came out as left chan, the solo on right chan! it sounds really weird thru headphones or close speakers, but if you step back it's not so bad.

just curious tho, is is supposed to sound something like this? should it be louder? softer? eq'd? deleted? i dunno...

p.s. i'm a drummer, not a guitarist!