Where can i get the CW9 Manual?


New member
I need a manual for Pro Audio 9 lol. I used to have one but when we moved alotta stuff had to stay boxed (smaller place. :/) So does anyone know where i can get a copy of the manual? I dont care if its an online version or in booklet form. I just need a manual. Thanks! :)
Ok, that I call a legit reason not to have the manual... Since I've done the excact same thing! :)

This should get you started:

It's not the manual, but a "help guide". The Help Files in PA9 is also good... ;)

The only thing I find strange, is that you don't really seem to have control over PA9. Have you actually used it before? :rolleyes:
Try writing to Cakewalk. There is no online version. I imagine when you give them your registered serial number, they will agree to send you one for maybe just the S&H costs.
dachay2tnr said:
Try writing to Cakewalk. There is no online version. I imagine when you give them your registered serial number, they will agree to send you one for maybe just the S&H costs.
I've tried that... they wouldn't to it. But that was because I live in Norway.... :(

Stupid Norway!
moskus said:
I've tried that... they wouldn't to it. But that was because I live in Norway.... :( [/B]
Well what do you expect when you live in somewhere that you have to wear your clothes when having sex. You should move somewhere warm like Wisconsin. :D
dachay2tnr said:
Well what do you expect when you live in somewhere that you have to wear your clothes when having sex. :D
Not a problem for me (read: "us" like in me and "the old lady" :)), because I have an electric heated bed! :D
moskus said:
I've tried that... they wouldn't to it. But that was because I live in Norway.... :(

Stupid Norway!

Moskus, we're to many swedes here to give us openings like this. I'll let this one slip, but don't let it happen again.
Beltrom said:
Moskus, we're to many swedes here to give us openings like this. I'll let this one slip, but don't let it happen again.
Just bring it on! I can wear you all down!

MUHAHAHAHA!!!! :eek:


Seriously, I hate swede-jokes. You guys have the excact same jokes about us. It's just stupid. And if you don't tell anybody I'll tell you that I really like Sweden. Alcohol and cigarettes is so cheap over there... :D
lronhoover said:
I have a downloaded copy of the manual in a zip form. It's 2.08 Mb. How can I send you this?
I'm just a little bit curious how you got this since there's no official download-able manuals... :rolleyes:
I really don't remember. I lost my manual in a move about 6 mon. after I got the program. I've had it on my computer for all this time, I even really forgot about it till now. It's in a PDF format. I'm sure I got it somewhere off the internet, but can't recall where or I'd just give him the site.
user manual

i went out and bought a book called cakewalk power...
it has everything you need to know and it's simple to follow.
moskus said:
Seriously, I hate swede-jokes. You guys have the excact same jokes about us. It's just stupid.

True, and the "norwegian-jokes" are not nearly as common today as they used to be. They feel kind of goofy...
Sorry for dragging this thread OT....

Garrigus books are pretty good. I thought I was a pretty solid user, but I learned a lot from the Pro Audio-book. And it didn't really make the manual redundant, just pushed it a bit further and cleared things up. Lots and lots of good tips in the "why haven't I noticed that" or "Why haven't I thought of that!" category.

The manual for ProAudio is on the CD in the OnlineDoc-map. So anyone who has the CD has the manual.
moskus said:

The only thing I find strange, is that you don't really seem to have control over PA9. Have you actually used it before? :rolleyes:

Yes this is the first time i have actually have gotten to really work with it... I was being dumb last year and got the program way ahead of schedule. So it just sat there.... Ended up moving and i have the program its self because i keep all my software in a CD wallet.
Thanks for the link man.

I seen those powerbooks before also.. I think i'll grab one. Thanks
Kaze said:
Damn that sucks. Sorry to hear that.
Well, it was stolen 18 months ago, I've pretty much moved on since then. But one thing that's pretty far down on my priority list is to dig up old PA9-links... ;)
moskus said:
Well, it was stolen 18 months ago, I've pretty much moved on since then. But one thing that's pretty far down on my priority list is to dig up old PA9-links... ;)

Its cool i understand lol. Thanks again for the link. It was helpful.