Where can I get a manual??


New member
I just got my new Aardvark Direct Pro 24/96, that comes with Cubase LE.

I am not sure how different LE is from the full versions. I am afraid it seems like it may only have two imputs. Since it is being sold with a 4 imput box for $500 that seems a bit like bait and switch, since you can't USE the 4 imputs unless you pay more money and upgrade Cubase. But I cannot tell for sure.

There is no manual for it.

I have searched on line but not found anything yet.

Where can I find an Acrobat Reader copy of the manual. I have no idea how to use the program.

There shuld be help files that basicly make up the manual.
Launch Cubase .... at the top right of the window click help.
This should give you a drop down list of help options.
If what crankz1 said doesn't work just do a "Search" on your drive for any PDF files i.e. *.pdf
The software versions that come with soundcards are really only there as teasers, like the versions of Ableton Live and Reason that came with my audiphile. Having said that they should be functional and they should have decent manuals. But I bought Cubase SE recently and as I just can't be doing with the .pdf's which are basically all you get I shelled out £20 on a separate book.

You sound to me like a very legitimate user and if you're completely stuck, and assuming you have broadband, I would be happy to send you the .pdf of my SE manual which I'm sure will have much commonality.
I have an aardvark q10...i haven't used Cubase LE, but in SX to get all of the inputs you have to click on one of the pulldown menus ("Devices" I think...I'm not at my own computer at the moment, so I can't look at Cubase) and go to VST Inputs. It will list all of the inputs...just enable the ones that aren't currently enabled.