where can I get a good choir soundfont?


New member
hi there

Anybody know where I can get a good choir soundfont
I'm not talking boy's choir here, more kind of new-age thick and full sounding. I've tried hammer but couldn't really find anything.
Got to be free too unless I can sample it first to see if it's any good (though it would have to be pretty BLOODY good for me to cough up some dough for it)


Here you go.

This is about the best free soundfont site I know.


Do your self a favour and download the sfpack utility first, so you can download the compressed versions and save yourself some time (basicaly winzip for soundfonts) Also free at the same site.



bloody 'ell, there're hundreds on that site. Any recommendations for a good choir one.

Not a clue.

Sorry bout this, not a clue. It's gonna have to be a suck it and see deal, till you find one that works.

What kinda feel are you after anyway, is this gonna be some church deal or is this more of an etherial voices thing in a dance/trance setup.

If its the dance thing your after, just record as normal and then use the good old reverse reverb routine, thats what every other dance track does.


im looking for that ethereal type deal.

by reverse reverb u mean reverse the track appy reverb then reverse it back right. Ive read about that but never tried it.

That's what they do in dance tracks is it. Well, would u believe it

Ill give it a shot

Well, if you checked the date of the thread, I'd say sometime in the last, oh, eleven years, it might have went away.