Where can I find a good tutorial for iZotope Ozone?

There's a rather comprehensive one that comes with the plug...

That said - The best tutorial is to use your ears and do what they tell you to do. Ozone is capable of some very "dangerous" (for lack of a better term) processing if you're not extremely careful...
Lynda.com & VTC.com

My advice dont use it make your own mastering chain you will find that a "customized" mastering chain is alot better than a suite plugin. Just try it.
I try not to say things like that because people tend to think I'm an "Ozone basher" (even though I'm on Izotope's pro-user list somewhere). But for the most part, I tend to agree. Most mastering guys I know who have it only use a module or two from it anyway...
Problem is they use it as a "One Size Fits All" type of plugin. That plugin is not good for all music its just not. Also most just select a preset and feel like "Thats all she wrote", "Set it & Forget It"...:mad: No such thing presets DO not I repeat DO NOT exist in the mastering world. I mean to put it frankly they didn't have your song in mind when they made those presets so the effects of each preset will not be suited for you music not even in the slightest.

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