Where are all the boobs??


New member
All i see are threads on music equipment

maybe i got the term "the rack" all mixed up

happy recording :)
chessrock said:
Most of us already have, Gidge!

(oops, I promised I wouldn't tell anyone)

Well I havent been getting any lately, so at least some of you guys are.....
C7,why do you have to rag on people just because they don't have the same opinion as you?I used to think you were pretty cool but the more bull shit that you extrude the more of a jerk you seem to me.Why don't you just let it go.
C7,sorry if I came off a little harsh,I have read many of your posts and they are usually insightful and helpful.I can appreciate your stand on Chinese mics and you are entitled to your opinions,it's just that you've made a couple post lately pretty much directed at people who use Studio Projects mics and SP is not the only Bejing mics that get alot of attention on this forum,it seems to me that Marshall and Rode are used and loved by many.Mics aren't the only products that are built in China and China is not the only country to have substandard working conditions.

If I came off like a jerk I'm sorry,all the anti SP press is getting to me a bit.I will now go do some bongs in your honor dude,if I could I would set up a few for you.I applaud your integrity and all I ask is if you take shots at Bejing mics,that you take shots at all the Bejing mics,and not single out us SP users.This bong is for you,bro!! :D