When They Come Around My Block (Clips)

First of all, you have plenty of pounding, pulsing, shake grandma out of mumu bass on that little snippet for sure! When the track started playing, my woulfer(sp?) threw a loaded ashtray all over me!! Damn thing pumps!

Second of all, how am I suppose to listen and potentially comment on your tune when all I get is 24 secs of a (I'm guessing here) refrain? Lay the whole thing out.
Not big on the genre but, the snippet was tasty.


I gotta go clean my shirt (or stop smoking).
Thx for listenin' "Theron".

I just posted those snippets so i can see how you like the song so far. But i still got' alot of stuff to add on the song like background vocals and all dat. I havent finished the song yet either. I might cut the monster voice out and put another part in there. I'll probably eq the beat a little also.

I should be finish with this song in a couple weeks and when i get finish double checkin' it then i'll post the full thing here. :)

P.S. Sorry about the ashtray story. lol....but i luv it when i use beats with alot of bass. :):):)
you should add something to the chorus, not necessarily extra lyrics but maybe a little sample of stuff scratched in at the end........overall i thought it was pretty good snippets even though im not that big on "gangsta rap" =)
Pretty good beat. Its a little ways of from being well mixed but just a tad bit.

THe vocal is buried by the bass. I like the bass but I cant even hear the kick for it. I think the vocal delivery needs more energy and visualisation.

Funk on!