When is a reverb not a reverb?


I heart guitars!
Probably old news to most folks around here, but I've just tried loading SIR (freeware convolution reverb) up with some IRs of speaker cabs I downloaded a while ago (Apeg 8x10"s, etc). How F@*$%in' cool? It really brings a DI'ed bass part to life!

Just thought I'd mention it, as I was hankering after IK's Ampeg SVX plug-in, but I don't think I'm too bothered about it anymore...
Yeah, SIR is good stuff. Impulses are easy to find too.
And yes, with convolution you can emulate far more than just reverb.
I'm addicted to sir and cabinet IR's. I probably use them on 60% of all the electric instruments I record. One thing to remember is that if your IR is in stereo, your gonna want a stereo source file because then SIR will treat it like stereo and use both channels of the IR, but if it is in mono, it will only use one side of the IR. Happy impulsing!
