Whats your rig look like?


New member
hey why doesn't everyone post what gear they use. im trying to think of some neat add on rack equipment and this always helps... ill start...

fender jazz bass
hartke 2000 head
hartke vx410
hartke tp210
x-audio 15'' sub
monster bass inst. cord.
2001 MiM Tele (purple)
2003 MiM Tele (blue agave)
1984 Squier Bullet
Washburn acoustic
2003 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
Peavey Express 112
Boss Blues Driver (only with the Peavey)
ProCo The Rat (rarely)
Zoom 707 (not ever seriously used for anything)

Ibanez EDB300
Squier Bronco w/Les Paul Bridge humbucker replacing the single coil
Ampeg B-1 (combo, cab has 1U rack for the 1U head)
Ampeg SVT-212 Cab
Ampeg SVT-1510HE Cab
Standard Fender Strat with Kinman Avn Blues pickups
Geoffrey Teese Wizard Wah
Gibson Super Goldtone GA60RV amp
with Demeter Tremulator in effects loop

Peavey T-40 bass (1984)

Larrivée DV09 acoustic

PC-based recording studio
Vox ToneLab
Johnson J-Station
Too many soft synths and plugins...
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Ibanez S series 7 string limited thing...
Marshall VS100 head
Behringer cab
Boss GT-6
A shitty Ovation balladeer



(sheesh...here goes...)

A whole bunch of custom guitars, made by me and my father (being in the guitar business has advantages), a Paul Reed Smith Harmonic Generator head, and a Bag End 112 cabinet. I have a Boss Turbo Overdrive, a Dunlop Wah, and a TC Electronic Stereo Chorus/Flanger. Mostly I am playing the acoustics these days, however.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
Gibson ES-355. Tossed the wammy for a solid tail. Seymour Duncun's split-stereo and single coil taps.
Pearce G2R solid state. Yeah solid state.
Peavey Clasic 112E closed back, all burnt and shit from the fire sale.

Sings like a bird. ;)
a chiquita travel guitar (build by erlewine not hondo) plugged in to my laptop routed through synth edit or audiomulch using a collection of vst-plugins - almost zero latency with asio drivers. laptop goes straight to a desk. pure 24 bit stereo sound. and you can record the guitar both clean and processed in the box!!!

or an archaic zoom 9000, a boss overdrive/distortion and a 100 watt 14' peavey bass amp with an extra 2*10' cab. the amp is 'punchy' and gives the short scale guitar -tuned down a whole step with .013's- a wonderful low end growl.

:) :) :)
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