What's your go to vocal mic for under $100

There's a magic microphone that appears when you're drinking pimp juice while getting crunk and letting your shoulder lean. :D Try it out sometime.



I can imagine a stupid rapper believing that; it's tragic how intelligent hip hop has become a dying breed.
A non-negative reply to this question...

What did this poster write that got you all so down on him?

Actually, I would go with the flashiest looking one (with a decent sound, of course.) maybe with the biggest shockmount.

Rap music is very much about attitude and delivery --(yes, even the "intelligent" rap-- and everyone ought to make sure that thry aren't thinking about "rap that white people like" as the same thing as "intelligent rap...")-- so a mic that looks impressive really might be inspirational to the artist.

I'm not saying this to insult the intelligence of the artist or anything, but bling factor is a good thing. I've been seeing MXLs with gold tone matal on alse used around here for fifty bucks. (Fitty, in the vernacular) Just don't tell anyone what you paid.

And, I would guess, a good pop filter.

I don't have any experience recording rap vocals, but I imagine that a mic that responds pretty evenly from a range of distances would be important. A lot of rappers move around a lot to generate the rhythm and feel of their verses-- you don't want the bass of proximity effect going wildly up and down.
Obi-Wan zenabI said:
What did this poster write that got you all so down on him?

Actually, I would go with the flashiest looking one (with a decent sound, of course.) maybe with the biggest shockmount.

Rap music is very much about attitude and delivery --(yes, even the "intelligent" rap-- and everyone ought to make sure that thry aren't thinking about "rap that white people like" as the same thing as "intelligent rap...")-- so a mic that looks impressive really might be inspirational to the artist.

I'm not saying this to insult the intelligence of the artist or anything, but bling factor is a good thing. I've been seeing MXLs with gold tone matal on alse used around here for fifty bucks. (Fitty, in the vernacular) Just don't tell anyone what you paid.

And, I would guess, a good pop filter.

I don't have any experience recording rap vocals, but I imagine that a mic that responds pretty evenly from a range of distances would be important. A lot of rappers move around a lot to generate the rhythm and feel of their verses-- you don't want the bass of proximity effect going wildly up and down.
First of all, I did not, nor will I ever go down on him. :D

Second of all, do you mean, by intellectual rap, amazing artists like Common Sense, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, etc? In other words, the Native Tongues movement?

If so, come by the Hip Hop forum here; we're also fans of said artists.