whats your favorite vst plugin and why?


New member
I use Cubase sx3 and have my own thoughts and opinions but i was wondering about experiences that other users might have with plugins that they use frequently.

I do not have a huge plug in collection, but one that I do use all the time is "Eqium" from Elemental Audio. It's a great EQ plug-in. And also the "Neodynium" compressor.

"Perfect Space" convolution reverb, which is packaged with Sonar 5, and "Drumagog" would be on my favorites list too :D
Waves "Renaissance Compressor"

it's pretty much the first plugin that I put in, don't mix anythiing without it (well anything that need compression). It's easy to use and sounds great!
Well, I have to rely on plugs for reverb, and two of my favorites are the Kjaerhus Classic Reverb, and the SIR1010 using the TC Electronics 6000 impulses, and best of all these are both free. My favorite commercial VST is the PSP Vintage Warmer, it is a really useful (IMO) multi-band compressor.
I use Waves rennisance stuff on virtually everything. I'm a huge fan of L2 and C4 as well. The rest of my favorites are all Bomb Factory RTAS. Why? On the VST stuff it's because they all sound really good and do the job very well with an easy to use interface, not to mention they're not very heavy on the CPU. That and the Bomb Factory Joe Meek, LA-3A, Pultec, etc...sound incredible when used right.
amra said:
Well, I have to rely on plugs for reverb, and two of my favorites are the Kjaerhus Classic Reverb...

I have not had much luck with this plug. I think I just suck at using reverb plugs.
nm. Both equim with neodynium is 189 bucks. Too much for me. I'll stick with free plugs. Ever use A0 parametric eq? That's what i'm using and it's great. What reverb plugin(if any) do you use?
My favorite plugin is Reaktor, just because it allows me to do some screwey stuff. For bread an butter mixing stuff it's all UAD-1 for me.
for one i enjoy the t racks vst right now anyway, but it can get sticky if you overuse it. sounds like im talking about a suck plugin we all have grown to love. ;)