what's your 2-track mixdown deck?

I've been mixing down to my ol'puter for about 8 years now,...

from analog tape/recorder/mixer to stereo on yer standard 'puter soundcard... & then burn CDs of my mixes straight from there.

No muss, no fuss!............ ;)
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TASCAM CDRW-700, but when the new "recording room" is complete, I plan to pick up a 1/4" reel to reel from the Mackie stereo outs. :)
10 years ago… I remember recording tracks onto my stereo tape deck, running them from there into a VCR and then recording live to that playback onto a second VCR. At least I think that’s how I did it??? Can’t remember exactly… Those were the good old days. Honestly, I don’t think I knew what the hell I was doing. But it was fun as hell.

Remember that kind of stuff?

Anyway, now I run my signal like this:
Analog out on mixer (stereo mix) > Sound Card > WaveLab > CD.

I suppose a nice AD converter might be a good addition to this madness… Maybe a nice 2-track reel to reel… Nonetheless, I’m feeling good about the results I’m getting.

I suppose some experimentation will lead us all into the realm of joy. It would be nice to have the time and money to experiment with various product choices… However, if you’re on a budget (and who isn’t, really?), it’s also nice to experiment with what you have. :)
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