What's wrong with my mixes?


New member
I mixed a handful of songs for my group and - long story short - we love the mixes but really got embarrassed as we started getting the music out there. If someone could tell me where I went wrong with a particular song, I'd greatly appreciate it.


  • 02 The Secret (Let It Go).mp3
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That interesting.
I mix, then I check on another system, then I let the artist/client here it.

The final check is to play it to friends and family. If i squirm, I go back to work.
Something about the judgement of others really puts things in perspective.

That all said, I don't know what you're embarrassed about. On the whole, this sounds fine.

I mean, sure, you could pick at it, but it's hardly embarrassing.
The backing vocals distort a bit at points.

Out of interest, was this mixed on NS10s?
No probs.

As I say, the sung vocals distort a lot of the time. Might be a master chain issue...I can't tell.
To me the bass sounds like it's riding a bit hot throughout, but then, it's carrying the tune. Maybe you need that?

I don't know that there's much more really. Personally I'd add some high end.
Hats, shakers, anything for shimmer, but I suppose that's preference.
Filling out the top end is a must - subtle but something.
The bvox don't seem to quite ride the rhythm.
It probably sounds a little too close to the Theme From Shaft.
The synth either needs t be more strident or significantly less than it currently is - it seems to sit in no man's land.