What's the funniest woke-joke you ever heard?


Well-known member
Stock market analysts seem to agree that Netflix is the most woke of all the big tech companies,
and today, 4/20/22, Netflix stock had the all-time biggest one-day drop in the history of the stock-market, falling by 35%.
It represents $50 billion in lost wokeness for shareholders.
This comes right on the heels of the Twitter-Jitters.
Woke aint cool... 8-)


My second most funny woke joke, is coca-cola telling us to be less white.
Pull down your pants cracker!?!
Whut's up with that?!?
Is it cornholio time? :oops:

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Netflix shows movies, a pay service?

There are many websites that show movies for free with ads. Youtube,Crackle,Redbox,tubi,etc. Why pay for netflix?
When gas and electricity, with vital services have doubled or tripled in price overnight, Netflix is an easy target. OK - we're skint how do we afford to heat the house, cook the food? Easy wipe out the Netflix subscription. On top - they've been rumour making that they're going to stop family password sharing, which I'm sure most families do. I have the grandkids, they watch childrens TV on Netflix, so I have their login. Ironically, I don't watch movies and the only thing I have watched on Netflix was Star Trek from the 90s (that I used to have on DVD)
You aint seen the food price increases yet. Wait until the end of the summer at harvest time and then you will be cancelling most direct debits.

Suddenly takeaways will be a thing of the past and people will start to cook again.

I can imagine the most sort after videos on youtube by the millennials...............How to boil water and How to boil an egg.:LOL:
Trump quintupled the deficit and massively increased the national debt.

Now Republicans are proposing tax increases on the middle class to make up for the deficit $$$ they gave to billionaires. It's pure wealth redistribution - which was Trump's plan all along.
Trump quintupled the deficit and massively increased the national debt.

Now Republicans are proposing tax increases on the middle class to make up for the deficit $$$ they gave to billionaires. It's pure wealth redistribution - which was Trump's plan all along.
Woke type joke?...........Relevant to conversation?.............No IBB and his hate figure:sleep:
Trump quintupled the deficit and massively increased the national debt.

Exagerrations are funny. Good work. (y)
In reality I see Trump about the same as the ones before him.
Obama doubled the national debt over Bush.
Bush doubled it over Clinton.
4 more years of Trump might have doubled it again, I don't know.
But it helps to exagerrate it so we can laugh.

How about this for a woke-funny:
Trump peed on hookers in Moscow and Epstein killed himself.
