Whats the differances...

♫♪Tyson♫♪;3556734 said:
Hey. What are the differances between Pro Tools, Cubase, and Reaper? so confused... :(

Reaper is a cheap alternative. And is friendly plus plays well with others. It would be my first choice.
Not a whole hell of a lot. They all do the same general thing. Protools will ONLY work with digi hardware (and now some m-audio m-powered stuff). Cubase, Reaper, Sonar, etc. and all the rest work with ANY hardware except digi hardware.. Digi wants to lock you into their product. A rack003 is well over a grand, and a comparable interface for any other DAW would be under 1/2 of that. Cubase LE comes free with a ton of different interfaces. Basically, pick one, learn it, and stick with it. Reaper and a used firepod can be had for $300, and does practically anything you can do with a digi/PT setup.
the main difference is the looks and price, everything else is pretty much the same. :D

since Pro tools 9 you can use almost every interface you like ;)
Not a whole hell of a lot. They all do the same general thing. Protools will ONLY work with digi hardware (and now some m-audio m-powered stuff). Cubase, Reaper, Sonar, etc. and all the rest work with ANY hardware except digi hardware.. Digi wants to lock you into their product. A rack003 is well over a grand, and a comparable interface for any other DAW would be under 1/2 of that. Cubase LE comes free with a ton of different interfaces. Basically, pick one, learn it, and stick with it. Reaper and a used firepod can be had for $300, and does practically anything you can do with a digi/PT setup.

Not ture anymore with version 9. PT will work even without an interface, even onboard sound card.
♫♪Tyson♫♪;3556734 said:
Hey. What are the differances between Pro Tools, Cubase, and Reaper? so confused... :(

Well see, it's all really quite simple!

Obviously, Pro Tools is the tool of the pros. That's what all the great stuff gets made on!

Reaper is for all the mediocre people! The ones who just record something that no one will ever listen to!

And Cubase is for utter losers like me!

I might be lying. :D
The posts above pretty much cover it, I only have this to add:

ProTools has, indeed, become the defacto choice of pro studios and engineers, so if you want your project files to be readable by the greatest number of pros, record it via ProTools. Bitch and moan about it if you like, but that's just how it is.