What's the Control for 'TREBLE' in cooledit?


New member
I don't know much about editting but I would like to what to turn up if I wanted to sharpen the vocals. Normally I would turn up the treble on a stereo system. I've search for a treble function in cool edit but was unable to find one so I'm guess its probably under another term or something.
If you stay in the multi track view , you can click click EQ (next to VOL.) and you will see the bass mids and highs come up. drag the number up and down to increase or decrease the frequencies. Although thats alot less precise than the option mentioned above, its still a way to boost the frequencies.Treble is another name for high pitched frequencies FYI.Good luck.
If you have the older version of CEP , like 1.2 , you can only tweek the eq in the edit wave page . Under the drop down menu at the top open >
transform > filters > and use either the graphic , parametric or quick filters .

Highlight a section of your wav to make it faster to test the different setting in the preview mode of the filter . Once you find a setting that you like , highlight the whole track/wav under the edit menu . Edit> Select Entire Wav . Make sure you have the " Enable undo " checked in case you mess up . After you select the entire wav / ( you can also just do part of the track if that's what you need ) / go back to the filter you selected and hit OK .

After the file transforms to your new eq setting , go to the file menu and select ' Save Copy as " and rename the file , like if the original was
say " Hard Days Night Vocal lead " save it as that " Hard Days Night Vocal lead with mid boost eq 12 15 05 " .

Later , when you close your session ,CEP will message " Changes have been made to " Hard Days Night Vocal lead " do you wish to save them ?? Say NO , or it will convert the original to the EQed version .
You can still insert the EQed track while your still working on the mix in the Multitrack view . I always save the original tracks till after the whole project is completed , mixed , mastered and burned .

I also burn all the original 32 bit track files , final mixed 32 bit track files , the stereo mix down and the mastered final product as a data disk .

No sense losing all that info after the hours of hard work that goes into it . :eek: