whats the best(or most complete) link for learning mixing techniques?


New member
hi guys, I'm wondering if there's a good site with a step by step explanation of mixing a song-part in form of wav or mp3?

I mean something who looks like:

before mixing: 1vocal/1bass/1guitar/1drums - dry.mp3

1: compressed drums like this..+reverb like that.. - step1.mp3

2: delayed guitars xx ms - step2.mp3
..until it's finished - final.mp3

I know that it wouldn't solve all my mixing problems, but at least it would be a first step to a better understanding of the mixing process.

There's no such guide........

Mixing is an art, not a science........... so you can't simply follow some sort of recipe...... it depends completely on the song, the way it was tracked, the song arrangment, the quality of the recording, etc............

Check out:

- The Art of Mixing by David Gibson
- The Mixing Engineer's Handbook by Bobby Owsinski
Re: Re: Re: whats the best(or most complete) link for learning mixing techniques?

TexRoadkill said:

That site sucks. Nothing but a bunch of smart ass, know it alls.

Hey! I resemble that remark!!! :mad:
If you have an 8 in/out soundcard, rent yourself a stack of decent parametric EQ's and go at it... its more in room that in is in the levels. Levels are easy. Making room is not, and there is something about having a real parametric in your hands that makes it easier to learn. Plugs just dont cut it very well.

groovejunkie you have to excuse these guys ( Blue Bear Sound TexRoadkill ) they have answered these kind of questions hundreds of times and are getting a little tired of it I suppose.

Let me try and take a stab at this one.

Turn everything up to 12. :D :D :D

But seriously, this site is the place to be. I know I was a novice about a week ago now I know everything there is to know, not.
First of all, jokes like "turn everything to xx" , "one louder than everything else" , "don't take the car.." are very funny and usefull, cause the learning process shouldn't be soo dry, right?

BLUE BEAR, thanks 4 the advice, and I'm sure that those 2 books are comprehensive, but it wasn't my intention to ask at this time for the "higher Art of Mixing" (though I'm sure that Beethoven was arranging his first symphony even when he couldn't write or play piano), but I was asking for the "low level" basics, and for the way of making a simple mix without getting too deep into the details!

Cos I think that in the beginning, just simply imitating the techniques of experienced people, sometimes without even understanding all of them, helps one to make the first step -- ROKKIN - Thanks 4 the brilliant link, wish I could find more articles like that one!
..and for the 2nd step, the "Aussie" link (by the way, it's german) will be the right option - Thanks TOM!

But it would be very cool if somebody has another link like the one from ROKKIN!
groovejunkie said:
hi guys, I'm wondering if there's a good site with a step by step explanation of mixing a song-part in form of wav or mp3?

I mean something who looks like:

before mixing: 1vocal/1bass/1guitar/1drums - dry.mp3

1: compressed drums like this..+reverb like that.. - step1.mp3

2: delayed guitars xx ms - step2.mp3
..until it's finished - final.mp3

I know that it wouldn't solve all my mixing problems, but at least it would be a first step to a better understanding of the mixing process.


uhh... I think your at that or at least one of the most premiere sites availible. I would recommend researching this forum and reading in some of the others that pertain to the craft and the equipment used. try what you read. Try our own ideas. Everyone does it a little differently. I don`t believe in instant gratification simply because there isn`t any such thing.
Show me the links.....said groovejunkie

MAJOR PROPS to >>>rokkin and Tom Hicks for those links...I printed out everything on those sites...A slight edge goes to that Audio Recording Center one .... Just exactly what I was looking for too...MuchoGrassio