whats the best multi efx processor


New member
ok folks I decided that plugins dont really work for me, I'm use to the warm sound of hardware. I want to know what you guys think a good multi efx processor would be. I like the kurzweil ksp 8 but its to much for my pockets. let me know what you think would be good in the price range of about 1.000-1.500 bucks

so if i get the rumor those the mangler come with it? and theres only one input in and out? right? hmmmm
For reverbs, the Rumour is really the only thing out there in my opinion in your price range. For everything else, the UAD-1 is not bad.
i got the uad1 plugins but I just cant do the digital plugins, my triton rack efx use to sound better, way more bigger. eventide is some awesome shit will check it out! keep it coming folks my pockets got an itch! lol
I would check out some convolution reverbs as well. If you use SIR as the convolution host, than you can check out all sorts of stuff for free. Other than that I would go with an Eventide Eclipse. A rumour would make a nice reverb box, but it isn't really a "multiFX" unit.
Rumour/Mangler combo can be had for ~$800 if you buy used. Killer combo, covering a wide range of quality effects.

The only other things you might need are quality EQ and compression software plugins. FYI, there's built in EQ on the Rumour and Mangler, which can be bipassed, solo'd, or used in combo with other effects.
i was reading up on Eventide Eclipse, seems like a bad(meaning good lol) piece of gear! i do hip hop stuff, so i like to manipulate and recreate sounds, especially snare and kicks. so i need something with expression, somthing thats not afraid of being tweak to hell and back lol. nice sounding eq's and compressor's.

music is like a drug, just cant stop getting my fix!lol
mrbowes said:
Rumour/Mangler combo can be had for ~$800 if you buy used. Killer combo, covering a wide range of quality effects.

The only other things you might need are quality EQ and compression software plugins.

i have good plugins but they hammer on my cpu. and my uad 1 card is good but doesnt have that edge im looking for. I guess im feeling guilty for selling my mpc2000 xl and triton rack. they had a certain feel to them. anyone agree? when i was using the triton rack efx i was able to do a lot of extreme notch eqing on my drums and the triton wouldn't flinge, it handled what ever i threw at it.
The UAD-1 1176LN compressor has quite a bit of an edge, you just gotta abuse it a little :D

Also, I find that the EX1 compressor can be pretty brutal.

Come to think of it the compressor that's part of Nigel also has an attitude, although it's not as tweakable.

I wouldn't bother with the UAD-1 reverbs though. In fact DreamVerb is one of the worst I've ever seen.

BTW not all hardware is "warm". AKAI samplers for example wouldn't be considered "warm". When I think of my Kurzweil K2600 the word "warm" doesn't really enter my mind. Clean, accurate, faithful, oftentimes quite wonderfully digital (specially when you do things to exacerbate the aliasing artifacts) and terrorisingly ugly, but not necessarily "warm". You gotta work for that. I think that word has been thrown around so much that it really has lost its meaning.

Concerning the Rumour/Mangler... those units are based on the K2600 KDFX processor... they are absolutely wonderful! Mangler has some rather interesting FX that you can't find elsewhere, and the Rumour reverbs are definitely great for creating spaces. From lush caves to just rooms. If you're interested, I can perhaps post some examples put through some factory KDFX presets that coinside with the ones in either the Rumour and/or Mangler.
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noisewreck said:
The UAD-1 1176LN compressor has quite a bit of an edge, you just gotta abuse it a little :D

Also, I find that the EX1 compressor can be pretty brutal.

Come to think of it the compressor that's part of Nigel also has an attitude, although it's not as tweakable.

I wouldn't bother with the UAD-1 reverbs though. In fact DreamVerb is one of the worst I've ever seen.

BTW not all hardware is "warm". AKAI samplers for example wouldn't be considered "warm". When I think of my Kurzweil K2600 the word "warm" doesn't really enter my mind. Clean, accurate, faithful, oftentimes quite wonderfully digital (specially when you do things to exacerbate the aliasing artifacts) and terrorisingly ugly, but not necessarily "warm". You gotta work for that. I think that word has been thrown around so much that it really has lost its meaning.

Concerning the Rumour/Mangler... those units are based on the K2600 KDFX processor... they are absolutely wonderful! Mangler has some rather interesting FX that you can't find elsewhere, and the Rumour reverbs are definitely great for creating spaces. From lush caves to just rooms. If you're interested, I can perhaps post some examples put through some factory KDFX presets that coinside with the ones in either the Rumour and/or Mangler.

your right man warm is over use. I guess crisp, accurate, reshaping is more like it. the 1176ln is a beast its great,but its like a tiger eating at my uad1 processor lol. I would love to here some samples of the rumour and mangler.l
question about the UAD-1 card,
how many plugins can u use at the same time?
when i mix a 24 track song my cpu easily hits 95%, that is when i got like 1 compressor and one eq on each channel (in average)

is it possible to run 24 UAD plugs at the same time?
and is it possible to run more UAD plugins whenyou got a real fast computer,
or is only the "built in cpu" on the dsp card providing the processing power?
earworm said:
question about the UAD-1 card,
how many plugins can u use at the same time?
when i mix a 24 track song my cpu easily hits 95%, that is when i got like 1 compressor and one eq on each channel (in average)

is it possible to run 24 UAD plugs at the same time?
and is it possible to run more UAD plugins whenyou got a real fast computer,
or is only the "built in cpu" on the dsp card providing the processing power?

for the uad1 card it has a seprate cpu built in. as far as running multi plugins, i usually only get about 2 1176ln and maybe a eq or la2a, then im max on the card, but i record at 32 bit float and 96k so theres alot more processing being done
Yeah, processing at 96kHz will eat thing up real quick. I usually do things at 32bit/48kHz.

I can easily have an EX-1 EQ/Compressor on every channel in a 20 track tune. I can have about 5-6 1176LNs (usually I don't see the need for that many though. It's great on subby bass when I want to distort it a little to bring it into focus, sometimes pads and maybe drums... I may also use it on the odd vocal, but that's rare as I rarely use vocals). For most needs I find the EX-1 compressor just fine. What eats a lot of the UAD-1 resources is Nigel. Usually you can't have more than 1 if you use the whole thing. If you're just using Preflex (Nigel's Amp and Cab simulator) you can maybe use 2-3.

JHOOKS, I'll see what I can do about the samples. Would you want to hear mainly the Rumor reverbs/chorus and such or Mangler stuff (waveshapers, LazerVerb--which is quite interesting in the right places). You can download the manuals for both from www.kurzweilmusicsystems.com and see what kind of stuff would interest you more. They have a list of presets in there.
noisewreck said:
Yeah, processing at 96kHz will eat thing up real quick. I usually do things at 32bit/48kHz.

I can easily have an EX-1 EQ/Compressor on every channel in a 20 track tune. I can have about 5-6 1176LNs (usually I don't see the need for that many though. It's great on subby bass when I want to distort it a little to bring it into focus, sometimes pads and maybe drums... I may also use it on the odd vocal, but that's rare as I rarely use vocals). For most needs I find the EX-1 compressor just fine. What eats a lot of the UAD-1 resources is Nigel. Usually you can't have more than 1 if you use the whole thing. If you're just using Preflex (Nigel's Amp and Cab simulator) you can maybe use 2-3.

JHOOKS, I'll see what I can do about the samples. Would you want to hear mainly the Rumor reverbs/chorus and such or Mangler stuff (waveshapers, LazerVerb--which is quite interesting in the right places). You can download the manuals for both from www.kurzweilmusicsystems.com and see what kind of stuff would interest you more. They have a list of presets in there.

the mangler is the one that focus's on dynamic efx but not so much reverb? right? Im interested in that one. i think for reverb im a go with lexicon stuff.
They are useful because they are VERY nice converters for the price. If you're using an m-audio delta audiocard, or pretty much anything in that same ballpark, then you will notice an improvement in the sound quality using the DA or AD converters in the Rumour and/or Mangler.

Hope that helps.
mrbowes said:
They are useful because they are VERY nice converters for the price. If you're using an m-audio delta audiocard, or pretty much anything in that same ballpark, then you will notice an improvement in the sound quality using the DA or AD converters in the Rumour and/or Mangler.

Hope that helps.

gotcha! what if im using the tascam fw1884 its an firewire interface/board would it make a difference? what do you guys think about the lexicon mpx550 or the Eventide Eclipse Studio Effects Processor( i know that the eclipse is much more expensive)?