what will the landlord say?!!!


New member
I'm planning to move out of this apartment into a house, I was thinking a rental home.

but it seems like I have to give any sort of home a complete facelift in certain rooms to build a recording/mixing project studio.

I'm still not sure if my recording room and mixing room will be the same room cause i havent looked for any houses yet.

i dont know if my future landlord will appreciate holes in the wall, things mounted with caulk and spray adhesive.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is should I rent my next house, or buy it?
I have been a landlord before (shudder!) and in my experience, the most important things to me were in the following priority:

1) Collecting rent on time
2) Having peaceful tennants who did not ruffle the feathers of the neighbors
3) Ensuring superstructure was not damaged

If someone is careful not to visit irreversible damage on the property, but is pissing off the neighbors by playing audible music a lot, I, as a landlord, am pissed off and I will consider eviction.

Consider that neighbors have a negative view of renters. That view will further erode if you are playing "that loud godawful music!" Your Landlord wants the neighbors to be happy about you as a neighbor.

I'd advise you to buy. The amount of construction you'd need to retrofit a standard house to ensure really aggressive sound proofing is insane, will tear up the house somewhat, and can't really be taken with you. Plus you might be able to finance some of the construction costs and them write them off on your taxes.

If you buy your own home, you have a little more flexibility with pissing the neighbors off (not a whole lot more, but at least you don't have your landlord threatening to evict you on top of having neighbors scream at you), lots more flexibility with changing/adapting the superstructure and you are investing in one of the few things that is not currently in the investment crapper.

Here in the states interest rates are quite favorable and you should be able to score a suitable crib for about the same cash as you would rent. Unless of course you have heinous credit, in which case you're in a jam.

Good Luck!