What will a piano do to acoustics in a room?


supafly killa homey
I sadly cannot avoid having a piano in the control room. There isn't a lot of space, so I was wondering is it best to put it in a corner , or midway along a wall (ie. will the piano serve as a sort of "bass trap", or will it be the opposite a "bass source")?

> will the piano serve as a sort of "bass trap" <

Nah, it's about the same as a plain wood box the same size and shape. But you should leave the lid closed to prevent the strings from vibrating and contributing to what you're hearing while mixing.

thanks, so the position of the piano won't make a big difference? I have been pointed to a link on one of your pages about setting up a reflection free zone, and I think that this is the approach I have to take with my room. (see other thread I have running here for a reference and diagram)