What was your first LD mic?

My first six large diaphragm condensers:

1st: Neumann TLM 193
2nd: AT 4033
3rd: AKG C3000 (big mistake)
4th: AKG 414b/ULS
5th: Oktava 219 (bigger mistake)
6th: Lawson L47mp (best gear decision I ever made, except perhaps for buying the Steinway, selling the ADATs and giving away the Alesis X2 desk!)
Soundelux U195

Sold it less than a year later to act on a fantastic deal on some NHT Pro A-20 monitors. I haven't regretted it. Not that I wouldn't jump at the chance to buy the 195 again sometime, it's just that I absolutely love the monitors :)

Jason A
Gidge said:
Ive only owned one LD condenser......Marshall MXLv67G.....who needs more?.......

Well, conceivably someday you might want to record more than one musician.

Or when you record one musician, conceivably you might run into one who sounds terrible on the MXL, and you might want to have another option.

Or conceivably you might want to do a stereo recording. Or need an extra mic for capturing room ambience. Or to get the whole sound from a really big instrument.

Is all that so inconceivable?
Mine was the C1 which I sold to get an NTK but I missed my C1 because it was my first, so I got a MXL 67G to ease the pain. Now I really didn't like the sound of the C1 all that much it's just that you never forget your first time......

Now I wander the music stores and internet picking up cheap Chinese mics, always looking for that first thrill again. Sure, I've tried the Russian ones, Oktava 219 and the even 319. Even had a short excursion with the Australian types, the Rodes series. I just haven't gotten that old feeling like the first time, like I said.

In the future I hope to try some German stuff. You know the big fat ones like the U87, U47. They're a little older but warmer from what I hear. A guy like me never settles with just one mic at a time. I hear that TML 103 can really put out, kinda nice in a cheap sorta way.
for the fellas that mentioned the B3...do you have any recordings with it that I could listen to?...I may aquire this mic very soon, just want to listen to stuff done with it.