what was the last lyric that you wrote, and what were the reasons behind it?

matt's bedroom

New member
...thought it might be interesting to see how everyone's mind works :D

the last lyric i wrote was two days ago, it was about 12 at night and i'd just been watching a television program which struck a chord.
you know when you watch a program or film that makes you feel something? reminds you of something/conjures an emotion?

anyway, that happened, i was pretty tired, and i had an itch to write something. so, just before i slept i went to the toilet (i write most of my lyrics either on the toilet or in bed, lol :)), armed with my notepad and pen.
i wasn't really thinking about anything in particular, i was just sort of thinking generally.
i was a bit tired and my mind was kinda buzzing.

i put pen to paper and without forcing words or thinking about what i'd write, or trying to edit it, i just tried to let my hand do the writing and to let it flow.....

'moodgun flows like maggots
whenever something happens
blank thoughts on paper send me like an aeroplane'

.....and it did flow to a certain extent :).
i can't necessarily say the lyric was any GOOD, but i think i can say that the words i wrote were a completely natural reflection of my thoughts at the time.

there you go, my lyric might seem very minimal but i didn't press to try to write anything else.
also, it's meaning seems to be pretty obscured, in fact i'm not sure if I know what i meant by the 'send me like an aeroplane' bit...it just sort of felt right on the page.

so, is anyone else gonna share an experience like this? or are you just gonna leave me feeling stupid with an unanswered and revealing post? :P

thanks for reading,

Its a start to something....All my stuff starts kind freeform, then I edit and try and build a cohesive story around it..

So if it were me and this is just a observation.....

Moodgun flows like flys
When something happens
thoughts send me..
I'm like a areoplane

You should never shut off the spicket when the words are flowing
go for it "Creative" ..You can always give it form later"Craft"..
Just my opinion .Everyones different


i see what you're saying.
i sometimes write lyrics freeform like that, in fact i do that more often than not.
however, i find that writing this way causes difficulties when it comes to editing the lyrics. the same thing applies when i try to rearrange them to fit the music.

an ideal situation for me would be to write lyrics freeform and not have a need to edit them afterwards to fit the song.
sadly it doesn't seem to work this way though :(.
aw hell.

i'll share too, why not.
Well my girlfriend (new girlfriend) doesn't quite know me great yet, nor do I know her. I just sorta wrote a song about how she doesn't share all of her feelings with me. yea i know, its stupid, i'll write it out anyway! just to feel special.

you were once the happiest thing
that i had ever seen
you used to bring light to my
world of shame
now i always wonder if your ok
wondering about you night and day
i wish that you could tell me how you feel
all i want if for us to enjoy life, and make it real
you never even call me, i have begged
crawling on my knees, with all i've said
sometimes i wish that we could trash the past
maybe then you and me will last
i sit around and let my mind slowly rot
every time i think, my mind gets shut
bullets of regret, diving in my head
i don't want you to do that too, but enjoy life instead
i wish that i could read your mind
i wish that you'd understand mine
i wish that we could enjoy the world out there
i wish that you'd enjoy life, for what its worth

even if that's crap, the guitar parts are very nice =) hopin i can record it soon.
Matt ,Even a great writers like the Beatles had to edit too sometimes!Probobly more often than not!
Mus.Dar.Ang ..good ideas....

thanks for sharing, music'sdarkangel :D

henri: yeah, i'm sure lennon and mcartney edited everything a fair bit!
perhaps they had better self-evaluation skills than myself - from past experience, whenever i've tried, i've ended up making my songs worse....
....maybe editing and self-evaluation in themselves are important and perhaps overlooked creative skills?
my problem

my problem is i come up with a col first line or two but then i go blank ,luckily our singer can usually finish it . i just for once want to go from start to finish
lester paul,

"my problem is i come up with a col first line or two but then i go blank ,luckily our singer can usually finish it . i just for once want to go from start to finish "

If you want to go from start to finish yourself, then don't give it to the singer to finish. There is nothing wrong with colaboration, but if your desire is to complete the song yourself, I will tell you how.
"WRITE THE SONG NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES." You must have patience with yourself. I don't know about everyone else, but I've never known my creative endevors to have an ON/OFF switch. So the best thing to do is live life and when the time is right, write.

I write down snippets of phrases as they come to me. Nothing real absurd, just everyday phrases that can sound different in unintended context.

I've been listening to Paw's Dragline. The group is a bit obscure.. but if you can picture a few drunk southern guys playing metal in the backwoods, youre almost there. Anyway the lyrics are rife with the dark things that happen behind closed doors- just the kind of subject matter that fuels my imagination. So I'm going to use "Time to pick your switch" as a lyric. Lots of possibilities for that one.

Sometimes other folks give me ideas...


I've started back the habit of carrying a microcassette unit
with me... other folks sometimes give me ideas for lyrics-
just by their conversations, or how they greet each other,
and what they listen to. Also media sources like radio or TV
can have all sortza stuff.

Sometimes I'll have a brain fart and pop it off PAUSE and
bleat out my two cents worth if I'm so inclined... It's fun
to review all this stuff you've taken down on tape at the
end of a day.

the Faithmonster:D

I've heard of a lot of people using something like a dictaphone, including some famous musicians.
It seems like quite a good idea, quicker and easier than jotting stuff down with a pen and paper, and it could be used for capturing melodies.

I think I read someone in this forum say though, something along the lines of:
'If you can't remember it, it's not worth remembering'.
I think this is definitely something to consider as well.

[referring to my last post]

Hold on, that's not what I meant.

I really meant to say something like you should be able to remember something like a good melody or lyric, without having to record it in any way:
Sort of letting it develop/morph naturally in your head.

Sorry, I'm tired. :D

I come up with stuff when I'm driving and have started to carry a micro cassette with me on the road because I can NEVER remember lyrics later.

Last week I don't know where it came from but I came up with "Lovin you....it's a dirty job that somebody's gotta do." So I start playing with something to build the song.
Monday night I'm on that Napster replacement site. I don't remember what I was looking for, but I stumbled on a song of the same title. Def Lepard maybe? I don't know.
Anybody know who it is?
matt's bedroom said:

I think I read someone in this forum say though, something along the lines of:
'If you can't remember it, it's not worth remembering'.
I think this is definitely something to consider as well.


Actually, Paul McCartney said exactly that when he was on Larry King a couple of months ago... on that same interview, he also talked about using a dictaphone the way y'all suggested, in particular when coming up with the title track of "Run Devil Run".

He said the idea sprung to his mind as he was talking a walk with his little son and discovered some kind of soap in a voodoo shop's display...

(i just felt i had to mention that, you folks being so into beatles songwriting techniques)
getuhgrip said:
I come up with stuff when I'm driving and have started to carry a micro cassette with me on the road because I can NEVER remember lyrics later.

Last week I don't know where it came from but I came up with "Lovin you....it's a dirty job that somebody's gotta do." So I start playing with something to build the song.
Monday night I'm on that Napster replacement site. I don't remember what I was looking for, but I stumbled on a song of the same title. Def Lepard maybe? I don't know.
Anybody know who it is?

Hmm, I don't know of a song with that title but I think I can recall a Faith No More track with the repeated line:
'It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it'.

kfm82 said:

Actually, Paul McCartney said exactly that when he was on Larry King a couple of months ago... on that same interview, he also talked about using a dictaphone the way y'all suggested, in particular when coming up with the title track of "Run Devil Run".

He said the idea sprung to his mind as he was talking a walk with his little son and discovered some kind of soap in a voodoo shop's display...

(i just felt i had to mention that, you folks being so into beatles songwriting techniques)

Cheers Kfm82,
I didn't realise McCartney had said that :D
getuhgrip said:
I come up with stuff when I'm driving and have started to carry a micro cassette with me on the road because I can NEVER remember lyrics later.

Last week I don't know where it came from but I came up with "Lovin you....it's a dirty job that somebody's gotta do." So I start playing with something to build the song.
Monday night I'm on that Napster replacement site. I don't remember what I was looking for, but I stumbled on a song of the same title. Def Lepard maybe? I don't know.
Anybody know who it is?

Ratt, circa 1990 - "Lovin' You's a Dirty Job"

The "Detonator" album