what type of pre-amp should i get?

.Tyson Studios.

At some point in time i'm going to need to get a 2 input pre-amp. I love all of m-audio's gear so im being bias deciding which one of these i like;
M-Audio DMP3 2-Channel Mic Pre/Direct Box or...
PreSonus BLUETUBE Preamp
The presonus one has more fetures plus tube. The m audio one looks like it has a higher decibal number. plus basically everything i use is m-audio (my keyboard, interface, and pro tools).

What are the differances. also what are your opnions and if you have one or the other, or both, how do you like them. thanks in advance.
The DMP3 is one of the only preamps in the "ridiculously inexpensive" category that's worth a hoot.

You certainly don't want some cheesy "toob" thing...