What to watch out for while buying tape decks?


New member
Hey there everybody,

I have of late been considering buying a 2-track tape machine to mixdown my stereo mixes through before they go to CD, and I was wondering if there is anything that I should watch out for while buying used, like worn out heads, or motor problems or .............

I just have no idea what I should be looking for, and I want to get the best that I can for my money. Oh yeah, and any suggestions on models would be appreciated too!! I read in another thread about the Tascam 22-2, and it seems to go for a reasonable price on the bay. Anyway, I'll shut up now. :D

2 track decks are a lot easier to buy in good shape. Typically a 24 track gets MUCh more use than a two track. I never seem to hear much about head wear on 2 tracks. Motor problems etc... are certainly an obvious thign to watch out for. I used to own a Tascam 22-2. Thats an easy little deck to keep up and it certainly is goign for pretty fair prices these days. If you really want to be certain of your two track, buy it from a reputable source that deals with analog decks on a consistent basis. Take a look at Blevins Audio:)