What to do with US$650?:FD-4,424MK3, X-34


New member
I want to upgrade my porta02 to something a little more flexible. I want to do some decent quality demos for my band and would need a couple of mic inputs (the 424). But I also want to do some high quality demo recording for my own music which is mostly just guitar and vocals and wouldn't be done simultaneously( the FD-4).I've read the specs on the FD-4 and some of the editing options seem pretty attractive. Also can you save digital recordings from the FD-4 to a regular pc hardisk with an SCSI input? If you can then I'd have plenty of storage space for my recordings.I have IR£550 to spend about US$650.
I had a brief look at the X-34 and it seems pretty decent for it's price, but I've a feeling you get what you pay for in this case as I've heard very little about it so far. My more ambitious recordings would be my solo recordings. Could someone
Well, I seem to have the same problem. I'm also thinking of buying an FD-4 of even FD-8 but are their any alternatives?
i have the 424mkIII... i'm really happy with it except the problem of it being a 4-track... heh, that kinda means 4 tracks only... if i was starting over i'd probably save a little more and get one of the digital 8 track things or maybe goto computer recording if i had a decent processor (which i don't)
Hi Geeman, How are ya ! Well, I don't think the 424 would be much of an upgrade for sound quality, more of a sidestep, but it would help your mic input problem. The X-34 would probably be a downgrade, and $650 US dollars won't buy you the FD-8. So that's out. But It will buy you the FD-4 with a little change left over for some real nice XLR cables. I think out of everything you listed, that is the best candidate. You can surely save your stuff to your computer with this piece, plus you've got your two XLR mic inputs, and you can mix down all day with that to get more tracks and lose no sound quality it's digital. Way cleaner than any tape. There's just too many advantages to list here. That machine is the machine for you and will serve you well
for quite some time. I have never heard a bad thing about the FD-4. This is my personal opinion and I'm stickin' by it.
Goodluck Man, T.J.
Hey skweeks I think I might be able to help you out. I was scouring the net and magazines for prices, specs etc. The fostex fd-4 is definately the way to go if your not recording a lot of instruments. If you think of it this way the 424mk3 has plenty of mic inputs for a lot of different instruments or just more variety on one instrument but if you are recording a lot of instruments it is only a four track and your definately going to have to bounce which lessens sound quality. But the fd-4 is digital recording meaning a lot better quality ( read some of the posts by those recently converted to digital. The fd-4 is also 4-track if you have a p.c. with an SCSI port you have storage space for your recordings. If you visit the fostex homepage(www.Fostex.com)
and read the specs on the fd-4 it seems a lot more flexible and user-friendly than analog. Maybe someone could clarify this, but I'm nearly sure you can edit your recordings on your p.c. using fairly cheap software. (sorry about that I've just realised I was answering my own question-thanks Geeman!)
In short the fostex seems to be the most reliable way to go digital so yes I'd get the FD-4 and definately the FD-8 if you can stretch it.
El-Barto: as far as I can see digital is way better than analogue in quality and flexibilty
i'm lost... i was responding to the question.. i'm fine with my current setup.. okay, that is a lie, but i'm not looking to upgrade right now