What the hell did I do?!


I've been using Sonar 6 PE for a while now but all of a sudden today when I went to record, my track view stays the same while the song continues to play. Usually the view will follow the bar as it progresses through the song but now it just stays on the current view. I don't remember changing any settings however I'm sure that's what it is.
Any help is appreciated:confused:
Just in case anybody was wondering it was a computer glitch after all:rolleyes: Once I restarted my computer it was fine.
Usually the view will follow the bar as it progresses through the song but now it just stays on the current view.
You accidentally hit the scroll-lock button! (And thereby discovered a poorly-documented feature of Sonar.) And I'll bet when you restart your PC, it defaults to scroll-lock off, so that's why it solved your problem.
No kidding! That's good to know because I was starting to worry that my computer (or software) was acting up. Very frustrating trying to do edits with that off too.
Thanks for the help
Just in case anybody was wondering it was a computer glitch after all:rolleyes: Once I restarted my computer it was fine.

ha...yeah, I get that after a couple hours or so things start acting strange. Commands do things they aren't supposed to, the scrolling stops working...on and on...Restarting fixes it...for a little while.