What the heck is this thing???


New member
I came across a box that is called a Nuendo 8 I/O. Does anybody know anything at all about this unit?

(By the way...I'm looking for a good 24/48k adat a/d converter. Would this fit that bill?)
I'm assuming it's a Nuendo Interface. As far as I know, Steinberg has their own line of Nuendo interfaces and such.
Its a great little box. The Nuendo hardware is rebranded RME. Very solid drivers, and in my opinion the best converters in the Sub $1000 price range (excluding some nicer 2 channel Mytek, Benchmark and Lavry options).
I don't know - but I would say - suck it and see! Before anyone else can answer you - try it yourself and see what you can hear.
I am not sure how "significant" it would be. owever, with converters, I do know that even a little improvement can make a huge difference. That little difference when added up over the course of a bunch of tracks can be a very significant improvement in the end product.