What speakers should I put in an built amp cab?

Jeremy Clarkson

New member
What speakers should I put in an amp cabinet I'm building? Should I put some new eminence or whatever speakers or some older ones? Any input would be great thanks
What sort of amp?
What sort of cab?
What sort of sound are you after?
What's your budget?
Yeah speakers are like any any other part of the chain. It needs to match the tone you are after.
For instance, I really enjoy Celestion Vintage 30s for Bluesy, Rock, and psuedo clean Jazz, but it wont hardly do sparkly clean if pushed at all like a Fender twin will.
Eminence has gone to some pretty impressive lengths in the past few years, to sell speakers- you might want to check that out. Their website has sound files for all the speakers they sell- best to use that as a comparision from one E-speaker to the next, but less useful to compare them to other brands. They have also distributed to retailers, a 4X12 cab with 4 different speakers in it, and switching that allows you to compare the four, with your rig. Yeah, I know that doesn't call for rocket science, but it's a good resource.

In general, speakers are one area where I am usually happy to go with new, or nearly new. Vintage repro's don't seem to be pull-your-eyes-out expensive, yet appear ("a-hear?") to be faitful reproductions of the oldies.

That said, I seldom hear a huge difference when replacing speakers in guitar cabs. I have done it at least three times, recently- here is what I did, what I did it on, and how it sounded:

1. Replaced the original ALNECO 6-incher in a Monkey-Wards Model 6000 guitar amp with a 6" Weber Blue Pup. Amp is a "radio-tube" 60's guitar amp with tremolo. Scary as all hell to play because it does not have an input transformer- that being the design that kills guitarist. Amp can not play clean at any volume that does you any good, I replaced the speaker because I thought a replacement might clean up the sound a bit, and because I scored the Blue Pup at a garage sale for something stupid like seventy-five cents. It did help some, mostly because it seems to be a more efficient speaker, allowing the amp to return more volume at a lower volume setting. Mostly, a demonstration of the "You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear" truism. The blue frame of the new speaker really looks cool, sitting inside that open-back cab, though.

2. Replaced original Fender "Special Design" 10 in a Super Champ XD with a Eminence Ragin Cajun. The SCXD is light on bass; this swap is widly regarded as the best "fix," and the #1 mod for that amp. I remain a tad underwhelmed- better bass response, but not a whole truck load of the stuff. Nowadays, Eminence has another 10 that has lower bass response and bass efficiency- if I were doing it now, I'd go with that one. And the "Eminence Patriot Series Ragin Cajun" sticker on the back of the speaker looks cool, sitting inside that open-back cab...

3. Removing a Celestion 12 from a Peavey Bandit 65, and replacing it with a decent but not particularly impressive 12 I had around here. (Celestion want back in the Red Bear 412 it came out of, to be among it's bretheran.) Bandit 65 was in rock n roll summer camp rental use, so the Celeston was wasted there. No big difference in tone- sort of a demonstration of the "weak link" phenomenon.