What software synth can make this bass sound


New member
Here is a brief sample of a song that includes this bass sound:

What software synth can make this bass sound?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
MistaMash'dup said:
Here is a brief sample of a song that includes this bass sound:

What software synth can make this bass sound?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Couldn't that just be a bass pod?
What settings on the Triangle II can make this sound? I messed w/ it a bit and tried the presets, with no luck.

Also, what's a Bass Pod?
One person told me that it may be the vintage hardware synth, the Roland Alpha Juno. Another told me it may be the vintage hardware synth, Juno 106.

However, I'd like to find a software synth that can make this sound, for obvious reasons (don't have tons of $$$)

Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
I come up with a similar preset with Odo's B-Station (I think, might actually be another plug-in....I have WAY TO MANY!!!).
Check here: http://odo.nl.nu/ (It's on the "older" page). Plus Odo has some new stuff there (I haven't had time to check out yet), the SEEQ ONE plug looks like it has all the goods for bass sequencing.
I'll double check tonight when I go out to the studio (at home right now). I'll check my settings on that sound (Not exactly the same, but real close, and probably could get it with minor tweaking). I'll post back soon. In the meantime try playing with Amp EG attack times, and Filter Mod EG's.

P.S. Who wrote Nightflight, It sounds good.
Also try a quick GLIDE time on your presets. A lot of people don't pay enough attention to it. But a quick glide will give the feeling of longer attack times on further spaced notes, and give you that really nice warble we can hear in those faster/hi parts. and when you do the short stabs glide will not be active (depending on synth: some remember last note played, so glide will affect each note, even between long pauses, and some only affect the next note if a note is being played when the new note starts, this would be what we are looking for in this example).
You CAN get that sound out of RJC's Triangle II -- just because it's not right in the first preset bank you listened to doesn't mean with a little perseverance you can't coax it out. The first knobs you should tweak are the filter frequency, amplitude attack and, as Atterion mentioned, glide or portamento.

Some other free synths that you can find at the same site are Synth One and (for that Juno sound) Superwave8. Any one of the three of these is going to require some tweaking of the parameters of the sound on your part --- don't be expecting to bring up a synth and have the perfect preset just waiting for you.

One more thing --- listening to the track it sounds like it may be two or more synths layered together, one handling the sub bass and the other handling the definition. This is a common trick that you should be aware of...
ssscientist is right, I actually achieved very close results last night using RGC triangle II (Really the swiss army knife of freeware!!!).
Using the first preset I just set both oscillators to square, turned the portamento to about the 9 o'clock position, increased the attack time ever so slightly, and swept the filter settings around to taste.
The trick to this sound is in how it is played (definitely easier if you are using a realtime controller). In order to get the slurring parts to play right you have to depress the first key of the part (Play Mono), and while holding it down press and release the next key (which in effect gives you 2 notes per additional key press/release but without retriggering the sound). Then for the quick notes, your just playing the keyboard as normal. This song uses both styles to good use.
If you do not have a realtime controller, and are step editing, it is a matter of drawing the First note the length of the measure (or however long you need), and then drawing in notes above or below this one where there is to be new notes. Just be sure that the first note spans the length of the run, otherwise the preset will retrigger all the EG's, and you will lose the fluid sounding transitions of the notes in the part your trying to write.
Hope this helps, and I didn't confuse you too much, I can do things pretty good usually, but when comes to teaching, I suck....I really lack patience, that's the problem. But if you get stumped let us know. Myself, or someone else can eventually get you through this.
Hey, Andy C made "Nightflight." Thanks for all the help guys, sorry it took me so long to reply. I actually achieved success making this sound in reason, using 3 oscillators. One sine, another sine detuned 50 cents below the first, and a triangle an octave below the first sine. Thanks again :)!