What made Trump so bad?

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I haven't read it, but I feel ya. I hear the warrant was very vague, or expansive, depending on how you look at it. It was kind of a search everywhere for anything type thing, but it probably won't amount to much. Not much other than in the eyes of the electorate supporting the notion that the current regime is utilizing the system of justice for nefarious purposes.
FWIW - I didn't mean to make any judgement regarding the seriousness of trump taking and keeping highly classified material that was not his to take. I'm not knowledgeable enough or qualified to make that sort of judgement.
One thing’s for sure. This is one helluva hot mess.
World Federation of Wrestling at it’s finest.
Just so there’s no misunderstanding, I’m referring to the political situation, not the thread. Thread’s just fine.
I'm certain that RFR started this thread because he truly wanted the truth of what made Trump so bad and dangerous to the republic. The truth, not opinions. There's a fine line between love and hate. That same fine (thin) line is applicable here also. RFR has stated many times that he is NOT a Trump supporter. Nonetheless, Biden lovers (Trump haters) here have gone off the deep end with their hatred of the orange man who actually did put a chicken into every pot and made America energy independent. I'm not a Trump supporter, but it's absolutely clear that the orange man made America great again for four years.
I'll leave it at that.
You got balls 60's guy to bother here. Lol!

I must say I agree. Compared to recent admin, there is no doubt it was better with the orange man.

And I am not wanting him back. Hoping for better, but this current bullshit is absolute crap!
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FWIW - I didn't mean to make any judgement regarding the seriousness of trump taking and keeping highly classified material that was not his to take. I'm not knowledgeable enough or qualified to make that sort of judgement.

In all honesty, neither am I. There's talk that sometimes classifications can be a bit overblown, maybe overcautious. I would be interested to know just exactly what they found. What he took. That might help to determine the serious. But again, who are we to judge outside the obvious. Short of some kind of leak, which is plausible, we may never know. Even at that, "anonymous sources say" isn't something you necessarily want to hang your hat.

Someone I know was out of the blue contacted by a big international company in response to an inquiry about a job opening he didn't really even remember making. Big bucks involved, and a Top Secret clearance involved. Prior to the in person interview he filled out a lot of paperwork, signed documents pretty much surrendering some constitutional rights for the top secret clearance. You might say the construction field, and he would possibly be working in places like the Pentagon, overseas on various projects, maybe even the white house! He had pretty good references, navy top gun pilots among them.....one was one of the pilots involved in shooting down the libian mig fighter back in the 80s, if you remember that. Pretty cool stuff, and cool guy, at that point he was working consultation type stuff for the govt...truth is if he told me he would had to kill me, heh. Anyway. A little back story, like a lot of us the guy had in the past disconnected his landline phone, given it was a redundancy given he and his entire family had cell phones. Mostly the only time the phone rang it was bullshit, marketers or whatever. He contacted the phone company to have them disconnect the phone and paid the balance due as of that date. Though the main phone jack on the wall in his house had long since been plastered over, wall painted, no outgoing call activity, several weeks later he received a bill from the phone company. Contacting the phone company was frustrating with no relief. He was pissed and refused to pay. Back to the job. So he travels to DC for the in-person. It was kind of an intimidating situation, perhaps intentionally so? This somewhat young Asian guy comes into the room, really put together, stone face, really serious! Clearance guy. Questions begin. Although he had not partook in years, he lied about any past drug use, which was dumb. Past drug use won't disqualify you, lying will. Comes time for financial questions. Bingo, you guessed it, that damn phone bill. He explains, the guy folds up his notebook, and concludes the interview. Just like that.

Actually he wasn't sure he even wanted the job. He wasn't going to move his family to DC, so it would require him living mostly in DC while maintaining the family residency, being away from home a lot. But it was big bucks. He also still wonders about signing all those papers allowing the government full access.

Anyway, I'm not sure what the whole point was....but on a side note I picked up a sweet flat top gas griddle today, 60" wide. I don't have it setup to use yet, gotta find the perfect spot. Hibachi is gonna be sweet, pork carnitas, or even Italian sausages w/ grilled peppers and onions. A lot of possibilities opened up. Keep an eye on the What did you have for dinner thread.
I'll leave it at that.
You got balls 60's guy to bother here. Lol!

I must say I agree. Compared to recent admin, there is no doubt it was better with the orange man.

And I am not wanting him back. Hoping for better, but this current bullshit is absolute crap!

In all seriousness, I have to ask you guys this: Obviously the economy was decent under Trump, but do you think the types of things Trump did were sustainable? Prior to covid, he cut taxes but not spending, so the deficit was actually higher than Obama’s. Regulations get cut, but at what point are you concerned about the environment? And he did all this when the economy he inherited was already good. When the economy is already expanding, that’s the time to reduce debt and invest in greener tech etc. Trump continued to juice it, except with tax cuts that went to people who already had most of the wealth.

The trajectory of employment, wages, and the markets simply continued on the same lines it did under Obama, but with higher debt. That again was all prior to covid. Why do you hold Trump is such high regard for the economy?
That’s because a certain Canadian bitched and moaned till he killed it.

But THIS thread is great. I mean, come on! Just with the title itself, it opens the door to bashing Trump. Who doesn’t love that?

I can't say I know anybody like THAT! Are you sure?
Sounds like an asshole!

In all seriousness, I have to ask you guys this: Obviously the economy was decent under Trump, but do you think the types of things Trump did were sustainable? Prior to covid, he cut taxes but not spending, so the deficit was actually higher than Obama’s. Regulations get cut, but at what point are you concerned about the environment? And he did all this when the economy he inherited was already good. When the economy is already expanding, that’s the time to reduce debt and invest in greener tech etc. Trump continued to juice it, except with tax cuts that went to people who already had most of the wealth.

The trajectory of employment, wages, and the markets simply continued on the same lines it did under Obama, but with higher debt. That again was all prior to covid. Why do you hold Trump is such high regard for the economy?
How the fuck would we know? Covid came in and screwed up every possibility of sustainability.
Yes, I care about the environment. But this bullshit new spending that creates a new green deal that kills the economy even more for the majority of us low life individuals that make under $200,00 is just fucking insane. And now let's create 87,000 more IRS agents? How about putting them in schools to protect our kids?
This admin is the most insanely destructive ever. If you don't see that, well, you must be either ignorant, deaf or or blind. Pick one.

I'll leave it at that.
Ok I’ll go into a few reasons Trump is bad..... just to please the lib folk. Now some of these reasons they might not like, but oh well.

1) He states early on how he was self financing his campaign. Bullshit! Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire Vegas casino mogul and a devout ‘Israel Forster’ donated millions.

2) Trump basically gave Israel everything they wanted. Including giving the green light to Israel annexing the Golan Heights. Which happens to belong to Syria. Wasn’t Trump’s to give and it wasn’t Israel’s right to take.
Sounded more like an Israel first policy than America First.

3) Praised Wikileaks and Assange on the campaign trail, but once in office said he knew nothing about Wikileaks.

4) Failed to pardon Julian Assange, yet pardoned real criminals

5) Again, while campaigning, and in the debates he was all in on having DOJ investigate the Clintons and......”lock her up”
As soon as he’s in office, he changes his tune. Remember the 60 minutes interview?
He says they’re fine folks and doesn’t want to hurt them. Lying asshole!

6)And there is the obvious, promise to drain the swamp and instead filled it.

7) Covid. Oh boy!
He is the one that declared the state of emergency. This unleaded massive increases in government power and funds.
Lockdowns? Thank Trump. Your business declared ‘un-essential’ Thank Trump.
Yeah, ‘he’ didn’t do it himself, the states did it. But he provided the green light and the financing to the states.

8) Donald, the Bankruptcy king, spent Trillions of printed out of thin air money that we’re paying the price for now.

9) operation warp speed. Fast tracking an experimental brand new Vaccine technology without proper testing. Unleashed the military to roll it out. (Although the military part kind of fizzled out)
Let Fauchi and Birx continue their daily fear campaign In order to terrorize the population into taking the vaccine.

An injection that has shown itself to be relatively useless in disease prevention and has killed almost 30 thousand people in the US alone. (Per CDC Vaers reports)

And Trump has up until recently done nothing but praise himself for being the father of the vax and how he’s saved millions of lives. ( I think he stopped because someone finally told him he was going to lose his base if he praised the jab)

I could go on but I’ll leave it at that for now.

But despite things I don’t like about him, hate to say it, but I’d rather have him than Biden any day.

What’s that saying?? When voting you’re picking the lesser of two evils.
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In all seriousness, I have to ask you guys this: Obviously the economy was decent under Trump, but do you think the types of things Trump did were sustainable?
ABSOLUTELY sustainable! As a former Republican/Conservative who went full turn tilt to the dark side of politics you're not willing yet to admit having made an error.

It happens.

Do you remember Dennis Miller of SNL fame? He was diehard liberal until he wasn't. Hollywood types exacted revenge to destroy his career, such as they attempted to do with John Voight and others who didn't fall in line.

Hollywood types hated patriots like John Wayne and Charlton Heston.
ABSOLUTELY sustainable! As a former Republican/Conservative who went full turn tilt to the dark side of politics you're not willing yet to admit having made an error.

It happens.

Do you remember Dennis Miller of SNL fame? He was diehard liberal until he wasn't. Hollywood types exacted revenge to destroy his career, such as they attempted to do with John Voight and others who didn't fall in line.

Hollywood types hated patriots like John Wayne and Charlton Heston.
You say I made a mistake, but you didn’t really answer my question with any substance. Look at the data between Obama’s transition to Trump. It’s just a straight line. Trump inherited a good economy, then used tax cuts to deficit spend (and increase debt) and keep it going until we hit a wall with covid. Where’s the genius? How do you sustain it when the debt continues to grow? When do you consider the environment etc?
There are a few economists I’ve heard doing talks, with an interesting take on the economy and Trump.
It’s as follows;
The economy actually crashed in 2008 and has been held together with bail outs, too big to fail and QE.

It’s been on life support ever since, and Trump was ‘installed’ to ‘manage’the bankruptcy of the US while bullshiting the American people that every thing was rosey.
In essence we’ve been in a controlled demolition of our economy.

Now we have have pandemic to blame, supply chain issues to blame, Putin to blame, Climate change to blame, etc.

I have no idea as to the validity of any of this, but it is interesting.

Who knows.
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