"What I've Lost" Just recorded this today.


New member
Hello Again! I just recorded this song today and wanted some opinions/critisisms, or what have you, on this song. Is the performance solid enough? Does it work as is or does it need something? You can give me mix advice too. My ears are tired from recording so I don't know what I am listening too at this point.


Thank You!
sounds good....2nd guitar needs to be brought out in the front a lil more....and on the 2nd guitar...sounded like its a lil out-a-tune...but it works! :D
Markaholic said:
sounds good....2nd guitar needs to be brought out in the front a lil more....and on the 2nd guitar...sounded like its a lil out-a-tune...but it works! :D

Thanks I agree about the 2nd guitar.
Very pretty song. I think the guitars could be louder, as the voice has lots of dynamics. Don't bury the voice, just bring the guitars up a bit, or make them fatter. Just a little.

Very nice song.

i'd step on the vox (hard, i love compression) and back off the reverb
or try a low pass on the vox verb

actually some careful compression all around probably isn't a bad idea

i'm ok with git 2 being a little down cause if you bring it up it will only distract from the vox.
Is there a way that I can download this mp3? Normally, the link is underlined and I can right click on it and "save target as." But this link was just text, so I had to copy and paste it. When I did that, it just brought up an empty page and played the song in real player. I have a dial-up connection, so it takes forever to play the song in real player and it keeps stopping while it downloads some more, so I don't get to hear the song straight through. If I'm going to sit there and wait for it to do that, I'd just assume download the mp3 so I have it on my computer and can listen to it at my leisure.

famous beagle said:
Is there a way that I can download this mp3? Normally, the link is underlined and I can right click on it and "save target as." But this link was just text, so I had to copy and paste it. When I did that, it just brought up an empty page and played the song in real player. I have a dial-up connection, so it takes forever to play the song in real player and it keeps stopping while it downloads some more, so I don't get to hear the song straight through. If I'm going to sit there and wait for it to do that, I'd just assume download the mp3 so I have it on my computer and can listen to it at my leisure.

I can give you another way to do it, but I would need Ruth's permission to tell you how to do it....
In terms of fidelity i like it.

It sorta of sounds like an old record, or like it was recorded on an old old sony tape recorder.

Which in my opinion gives it charm.
famous beagle said:
Is there a way that I can download this mp3? Normally, the link is underlined and I can right click on it and "save target as." But this link was just text, so I had to copy and paste it. When I did that, it just brought up an empty page and played the song in real player. I have a dial-up connection, so it takes forever to play the song in real player and it keeps stopping while it downloads some more, so I don't get to hear the song straight through. If I'm going to sit there and wait for it to do that, I'd just assume download the mp3 so I have it on my computer and can listen to it at my leisure.

I got Ruth's permission to post this:


Click on this link. It will take you to her root directory. You can right click on the song and download it from there.
I think the sound quality is pretty nice for the style actually. One thing that bothered me a little is the panning. The rhythm guitar was in the center along with the vocal, and the lead is off to one side. So it sounded a little lopsided to me. Maybe pan both guitars off center, but not so drastic, like 2:00 and 10:00 or something.

I think maybe you could shorten this a bit. It repeats several sections, and since there aren't any instrumentation changes, I think it drags just a bit. I think it would more effective as a slightly shorter song. Not too much, but 5:18 is pretty long if you're not having 7 different verses like Bob Dylan or something.

You've got a nice voice, and it sounds nice on the recording. But the rhythmic delivery was a little "rhapsodic" or free to me. It seemed as though some of those lines, especially "Because home's with you" could be more effective if they locked in a little more rhythmically.

Overall though, it's very nice. Good job. Reminds me a little of Jewell or Joan Baez.
You have an amazing voice Ruth. Absolutely stunning. I really like the arpeggiated guitar part. The strumming part is a little monotonous IMO. Try a bass note, strum strum pattern, where you don't hit all the strings all the time. A "sloppier" version of the intro and outro part.