What is avaiable besides the Masterlink for mixdown and CD burning?


New member
Is there a device besides the Alesis Masterlink for mixdown and CD burning that is less expensive but still good quality? Is there no competition to Alesis on this device? Mabe something with less bells and whistles? Sorry if this has been asked before. Thanks, Don
Thanks jake-owa, I'm looking for a stand alone combination hard disk recorder/CD burner. I'm not quite sure how to word that on a search. I guess I'll try; Hard disk recorder/CD burner. Thanks, Don
A decent PC with a burner in it and a soundcard equiped with a S/PDIF input. Then put something like an Apogee for a front end and you have yourself a serious mastering machine/CD burner.
Can you recomend a basic computer,sound card and cd burner.

Thanks for the replies. Thats logical but it means getting a new computer setup for my studio since the studio is not in my house. I know nothing about computers. I have a CD burner on this computer but it sound like crap. So What do you guys recomend for a studio(PC or MAC?) set up that would allow me to mix 16 tracks from my ADATS to the hard drive and burn CD's and what would it cost. (I have 8 decent outboard mike pres and an Allen&Heath Mix Wiz 16) Keep in mind I'm computer STUPID. Thanks, Don
I've been using a MOTU 2408 mkII for that (getting ADAT tracks, and now an HD24 into a computer for editing). That's around a grand.
Thanks Track Rat, I'll look into the MOTU, I've heard the name but don't know what it is. Thanks again, Don